tmdb package

Documentation of API methods. Most of these are a 1:1 mapping to the TMDB API.

To get started you need an api_key from TMDB, please see the TMDB website for such a key.

After you have obtained your api_key you can start querying the API from Python by doing the following simple steps:

import tmdb

api = tmdb.API(api_key)

results = api.search_movie(query="rocky")

# Do things with results here


  • There are several methods currently in the API marked as a get request while they are actually post requests. These do not work currently.
  • There is currently no caching in the library, it is suggested you do this yourself for now
  • There is currently no throttling of requests, it is suggested you do this yourself for now

List of API methods

class tmdb.API(api_key)

Bases: object

account(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:session_id (str) –
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.account(<parameters>)
{u'id': 36,
 u'include_adult': False,
 u'iso_3166_1': u'US',
 u'iso_639_1': u'en',
 u'name': u'John Doe',
 u'username': u'johndoe'}
account_favorite(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


  • favorite (str) – true | false
  • Required JSON Body (str) –
  • movie_id (int) –
  • id (int) –
  • session_id (str) –
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.account_favorite(<parameters>)
{u'status_code': 12,
 u'status_message': u'The item/record was updated successfully'}
account_favorite_movies(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


  • id (int) –
  • session_id (str) –


  • sort_order (str) – asc | desc
  • page (int) – Minimum 1, maximum 1000.
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
  • sort_by (str) – Only ‘created_at` is currently supported.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.account_favorite_movies(<parameters>)
{u'page': 1,
 u'results': [{u'backdrop_path': u'/wrKcSXtHz4LedgEf1aW5e4ZVyHJ.jpg',
               u'id': 9806,
               u'original_title': u'The Incredibles',
               u'poster_path': u'/9k4sgKD79q0MDHSWIqNnHqOfOEV.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2004-11-05',
               u'title': u'The Incredibles',
               u'vote_average': 8.6,
               u'vote_count': 46},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/uAVdwu4vEx0TwuC4ewp9RqplKEV.jpg',
               u'id': 1452,
               u'original_title': u'Superman Returns',
               u'poster_path': u'/qpsarVxFcxJxtCK5dAoHLt3365R.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2006-06-21',
               u'title': u'Superman Returns',
               u'vote_average': 6.6,
               u'vote_count': 20},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/x9a4Q6Qlgh9Fk1f5z6K4r5OeLd9.jpg',
               u'id': 8960,
               u'original_title': u'Hancock',
               u'poster_path': u'/dsCxSr4w3g2ylhlZg3v5CB5Pid7.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2008-07-02',
               u'title': u'Hancock',
               u'vote_average': 7.0,
               u'vote_count': 34},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/oPE44KcuRBKfuE15RD8sC2awh3P.jpg',
               u'id': 9741,
               u'original_title': u'Unbreakable',
               u'poster_path': u'/ndb1jugavBmgcfZKrfHXxC0T6al.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2000-11-14',
               u'title': u'Unbreakable',
               u'vote_average': 7.8,
               u'vote_count': 25},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/7u3pxc0K1wx32IleAkLv78MKgrw.jpg',
               u'id': 603,
               u'original_title': u'The Matrix',
               u'poster_path': u'/gynBNzwyaHKtXqlEKKLioNkjKgN.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'1999-03-31',
               u'title': u'The Matrix',
               u'vote_average': 9.1,
               u'vote_count': 249},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/af98P1bc7lJsFjhHOVWXQgNNgSQ.jpg',
               u'id': 424,
               u'original_title': u"Schindler's List",
               u'poster_path': u'/I2lJ7ens7Rzlm3x5HfDbwF3ykh.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'1993-11-30',
               u'title': u"Schindler's List",
               u'vote_average': 8.7,
               u'vote_count': 41},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/6kVVfNT0auG6fU5SFQ1zbayNWUC.jpg',
               u'id': 7191,
               u'original_title': u'Cloverfield',
               u'poster_path': u'/as01o40tJ2FhtheqeXf7bVZ0EQO.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2008-01-16',
               u'title': u'Cloverfield',
               u'vote_average': 7.2,
               u'vote_count': 35},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/6yFoLNQgFdVbA8TZMdfgVpszOla.jpg',
               u'id': 218,
               u'original_title': u'The Terminator',
               u'poster_path': u'/q8ffBuxQlYOHrvPniLgCbmKK4Lv.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'1984-10-26',
               u'title': u'The Terminator',
               u'vote_average': 8.6,
               u'vote_count': 67},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/8uO0gUM8aNqYLs1OsTBQiXu0fEv.jpg',
               u'id': 550,
               u'original_title': u'Fight Club',
               u'poster_path': u'/2lECpi35Hnbpa4y46JX0aY3AWTy.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'1999-10-15',
               u'title': u'Fight Club',
               u'vote_average': 9.1,
               u'vote_count': 175},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/siKq2bQo09YGLTiqvKR1pXJ5li9.jpg',
               u'id': 23483,
               u'original_title': u'Kick-Ass',
               u'poster_path': u'/gtfggr5n3ED1neoTqVYmsVCoSS.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2010-04-16',
               u'title': u'Kick-Ass',
               u'vote_average': 8.3,
               u'vote_count': 108},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/419GfpzSip2cXf17x8FKIRHSSPK.jpg',
               u'id': 679,
               u'original_title': u'Aliens',
               u'poster_path': u'/qet8RDq99dRteBfSRfGeZeqY9xe.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'1986-07-18',
               u'title': u'Aliens',
               u'vote_average': 8.8,
               u'vote_count': 107},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/sCtmAY3DgrFOjlrDh6mP7luUO7t.jpg',
               u'id': 489,
               u'original_title': u'Good Will Hunting',
               u'poster_path': u'/3yHtbRfp32AouPSwYESoJM3cOeQ.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'1997-12-05',
               u'title': u'Good Will Hunting',
               u'vote_average': 8.8,
               u'vote_count': 32},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/5YF6MwuuKBRKLUE2dz3wetkgxAE.jpg',
               u'id': 453,
               u'original_title': u'A Beautiful Mind',
               u'poster_path': u'/79L8f0qbawvmdXE4ThVstC5sOxP.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2001-12-13',
               u'title': u'A Beautiful Mind',
               u'vote_average': 8.5,
               u'vote_count': 28},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/bYtrTSGDqvd2KlHTO78b4Y3S4E9.jpg',
               u'id': 807,
               u'original_title': u'Se7en',
               u'poster_path': u'/zgB9CCTDlXRv50Z70ZI4elJtNEk.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'1995-09-22',
               u'title': u'Se7en',
               u'vote_average': 8.9,
               u'vote_count': 96},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/6HbOqP1GUElNLdX8Bx2uP542CIP.jpg',
               u'id': 180,
               u'original_title': u'Minority Report',
               u'poster_path': u'/h3lpltSn7Rj1eYTPQO1lYGdw4Bz.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2002-06-21',
               u'title': u'Minority Report',
               u'vote_average': 8.3,
               u'vote_count': 34},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/i9A0UMFg1hI2kLyCCwnmSbpT2cd.jpg',
               u'id': 73,
               u'original_title': u'American History X',
               u'poster_path': u'/fXepRAYOx1qC3wju7XdDGx60775.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'1998-10-30',
               u'title': u'American History X',
               u'vote_average': 8.7,
               u'vote_count': 61},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/5XPPB44RQGfkBrbJxmtdndKz05n.jpg',
               u'id': 19995,
               u'original_title': u'Avatar',
               u'poster_path': u'/s66l83fTQp0FAJsJqY0xUmkamcx.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2009-12-18',
               u'title': u'Avatar',
               u'vote_average': 7.9,
               u'vote_count': 516},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/e1uECwkwbD5Zpm9Gc6eb5mbG4C4.jpg',
               u'id': 38,
               u'original_title': u'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind',
               u'poster_path': u'/gutwXkVChJkpIrclokNESybj0GC.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2004-03-19',
               u'title': u'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind',
               u'vote_average': 8.7,
               u'vote_count': 57},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/tv8J6uCTKsTlASa8luJqrFiJlBX.jpg',
               u'id': 78,
               u'original_title': u'Blade Runner',
               u'poster_path': u'/ewq1lwhOT8GqBcQH1w8D1BagwTh.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'1982-06-25',
               u'title': u'Blade Runner',
               u'vote_average': 9.0,
               u'vote_count': 147},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/2nFyTvssbtJMLC6eyYwwZ88gALD.jpg',
               u'id': 10681,
               u'original_title': u'WALL\xb7E',
               u'poster_path': u'/9cJETuLMc6R0bTWRA5i7ctY9bxk.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2008-06-27',
               u'title': u'WALL\xb7E',
               u'vote_average': 8.7,
               u'vote_count': 164}],
 u'total_pages': 2,
 u'total_results': 34}
account_lists(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


  • id (int) –
  • session_id (str) –


  • page (int) – Minimum 1, maximum 1000.
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.account_lists(<parameters>)
{u'page': 1,
 u'results': [{u'description': u'A list of "frightful flicks waiting to be rediscovered" -- compiled by the self-described leading name in the world of horror: Fangoria magazine.',
               u'favorite_count': 2,
               u'id': u'50a6724919c295084b000028',
               u'iso_639_1': u'en',
               u'item_count': 101,
               u'list_type': u'movie',
               u'name': u"Fangoria's 101 Best Horror Movies You've Never Seen",
               u'poster_path': u'/3sL73Vy4kkrH4P61RA0n6UyYGlQ.jpg'},
              {u'description': u"Part of the AFI 100 Years\u2026 series, AFI's 100 Years\u2026100 Thrills is a list of the top 100 heart-pounding movies in American cinema. The list was unveiled by the American Film Institute on June 12, 2001, during a CBS special hosted by Harrison Ford.",
               u'favorite_count': 2,
               u'id': u'50a54d01760ee32e1400000b',
               u'iso_639_1': u'en',
               u'item_count': 100,
               u'list_type': u'movie',
               u'name': u"AFI's 100 Most Thrilling American Films",
               u'poster_path': u'/tayO4gCLyEo8Uul8FHkJGy3Kppb.jpg'},
              {u'description': u'A list of films that earned its actresses the Razzie Award for Worst Actress of the year.',
               u'favorite_count': 2,
               u'id': u'509fca90760ee3490f000a12',
               u'iso_639_1': u'en',
               u'item_count': 40,
               u'list_type': u'movie',
               u'name': u'Films featuring a Razzie winning Worst Actress Performance',
               u'poster_path': u'/eL61XP1l8H0qrBPJoKqhXdxumkw.jpg'},
              {u'description': u'A list of all films in the Star Wars universe including the theatrical motion picture releases.',
               u'favorite_count': 2,
               u'id': u'509fc02119c295114a0007cb',
               u'iso_639_1': u'en',
               u'item_count': 14,
               u'list_type': u'movie',
               u'name': u'Star Wars Expanded Universe',
               u'poster_path': u'/rf6uEcD5V8zs4J7Huo5L9sYgSki.jpg'},
              {u'description': u"Here's my list of best picture winners for the Oscars. Thought it would be neat to see them all together. There's a lot of movies here I have never even heard of.",
               u'favorite_count': 1,
               u'id': u'509ec17c19c2950a0600050e',
               u'iso_639_1': u'en',
               u'item_count': 84,
               u'list_type': u'movie',
               u'name': u'Best Picture Winners - The Academy Awards',
               u'poster_path': u'/efBm2Nm2v5kQnO0w3hYcW6hVsJU.jpg'},
              {u'description': u'A list of the films that were nominated at the 2008 Oscars for best picture.',
               u'favorite_count': 1,
               u'id': u'509ec007760ee36f0c000917',
               u'iso_639_1': u'en',
               u'item_count': 5,
               u'list_type': u'movie',
               u'name': u'80th Academy Awards (2008) - Best Picture Nominations',
               u'poster_path': u'/nWwFabqFaBbukXdkUCmtnrFxPNh.jpg'},
              {u'description': u"The View Askewniverse is a fictional universe created by writer/director Kevin Smith, featured in several films, comics and a television series; it is named for Smith's production company, View Askew Productions.",
               u'favorite_count': 2,
               u'id': u'509691b119c29532730008fb',
               u'iso_639_1': u'en',
               u'item_count': 6,
               u'list_type': u'movie',
               u'name': u'The View Askewniverse',
               u'poster_path': u'/tGmU66LL8edoRm1RO7sbrz1xuhr.jpg'},
              {u'description': u"Name pretty much says it all, here's the top 50 grossing films of all time.",
               u'favorite_count': 2,
               u'id': u'50957b1419c295013800023e',
               u'iso_639_1': u'en',
               u'item_count': 50,
               u'list_type': u'movie',
               u'name': u'Top 50 Grossing Films of All Time (Worldwide)',
               u'poster_path': u'/sRbZeVtRKIWybTOVpCRPZtzW5bd.jpg'},
              {u'description': u'A list of the films that were nominated at the 2009 Oscars for best picture.',
               u'favorite_count': 2,
               u'id': u'50957064760ee3698a001fc1',
               u'iso_639_1': u'en',
               u'item_count': 5,
               u'list_type': u'movie',
               u'name': u'81st Academy Awards (2009) - Best Picture Nominations',
               u'poster_path': u'/gShtwIvdSHgCEQRZfymNkEUEwFm.jpg'},
              {u'description': u'A list of the films that were nominated at the 2010 Oscars for best picture.',
               u'favorite_count': 2,
               u'id': u'50956fd2760ee3698a001fb1',
               u'iso_639_1': u'en',
               u'item_count': 10,
               u'list_type': u'movie',
               u'name': u'82nd Academy Awards (2010) - Best Picture Nominations',
               u'poster_path': u'/8iwe0iP49A6Gqcv31jBleZDZqI4.jpg'},
              {u'description': u"A list of the theatrical releases for Marvel's Avengers characters that are in the latest Avengers movie.",
               u'favorite_count': 3,
               u'id': u'50953114760ee34b91000293',
               u'iso_639_1': u'en',
               u'item_count': 7,
               u'list_type': u'movie',
               u'name': u'The Avengers',
               u'poster_path': u'/2i89ujVkhJebuoB2zy6QZcwbr2N.jpg'},
              {u'description': u'A list of the films that were nominated at the 2011 Oscars for best picture.',
               u'favorite_count': 1,
               u'id': u'509431ad19c2950b01000004',
               u'iso_639_1': u'en',
               u'item_count': 10,
               u'list_type': u'movie',
               u'name': u'83rd Academy Awards (2011) - Best Picture Nominations',
               u'poster_path': u'/iAHDZPyLD3NW7GuNV6U1TVtb0hN.jpg'},
              {u'description': u"Here's a list of the films that take place in the DC Comics universe.",
               u'favorite_count': 2,
               u'id': u'5094147819c2955e4c00006b',
               u'iso_639_1': u'en',
               u'item_count': 22,
               u'list_type': u'movie',
               u'name': u'The DC Comics Universe',
               u'poster_path': u'/4H1jWsgEQOgTs4KeG5j5BorKMfX.jpg'},
              {u'description': u'A list of the films that were nominated at the 2012 Oscars for best picture.',
               u'favorite_count': 1,
               u'id': u'50941340760ee35da9000054',
               u'iso_639_1': u'en',
               u'item_count': 9,
               u'list_type': u'movie',
               u'name': u'84th Academy Awards (2012) - Best Picture Nominations',
               u'poster_path': u'/zRqBleU93WncYnIwt8LAanQerZ7.jpg'},
              {u'description': u'The idea behind this list is to collect the live action comic book movies from within the Marvel franchise.',
               u'favorite_count': 5,
               u'id': u'50941077760ee35e1500000d',
               u'iso_639_1': u'en',
               u'item_count': 33,
               u'list_type': u'movie',
               u'name': u'The Marvel Universe',
               u'poster_path': u'/w2JbuNpBnfevl0yCcYEm6vNFWdi.jpg'}],
 u'total_pages': 1,
 u'total_results': 15}
account_movie_watchlist(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


  • movie_watchlist (str) – true | false
  • Required JSON Body (str) –
  • movie_id (int) –
  • id (int) –
  • session_id (str) –
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.account_movie_watchlist(<parameters>)
{u'status_code': 1, u'status_message': u'Success'}
account_rated_movies(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


  • id (int) –
  • session_id (str) –


  • sort_order (str) – asc | desc
  • page (int) – Minimum 1, maximum 1000.
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
  • sort_by (str) – Only ‘created_at` is currently supported.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.account_rated_movies(<parameters>)
{u'page': 1,
 u'results': [{u'backdrop_path': u'/tjMZ4RBLhvk670gYJPxIN8SBfnB.jpg',
               u'id': 13,
               u'original_title': u'Forrest Gump',
               u'poster_path': u'/iZvCkb34CAmV9BETIrHY4yiS115.jpg',
               u'rating': 8.0,
               u'release_date': u'1994-06-23',
               u'title': u'Forrest Gump',
               u'vote_average': 8.9,
               u'vote_count': 84},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/e1uECwkwbD5Zpm9Gc6eb5mbG4C4.jpg',
               u'id': 38,
               u'original_title': u'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind',
               u'poster_path': u'/gutwXkVChJkpIrclokNESybj0GC.jpg',
               u'rating': 9.0,
               u'release_date': u'2004-03-19',
               u'title': u'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind',
               u'vote_average': 8.7,
               u'vote_count': 57},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/gTFGr8q5YzYYiRyDYaEMNB6QRuL.jpg',
               u'id': 106,
               u'original_title': u'Predator',
               u'poster_path': u'/gUpto7r2XwoM5eW7MUvd8hl1etB.jpg',
               u'rating': 6.0,
               u'release_date': u'1987-06-12',
               u'title': u'Predator',
               u'vote_average': 8.4,
               u'vote_count': 49},
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               u'id': 107,
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               u'rating': 8.0,
               u'release_date': u'2000-12-06',
               u'title': u'Snatch',
               u'vote_average': 8.6,
               u'vote_count': 55},
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               u'poster_path': u'/9HG6pINW1KoFTAKY3LdybkoOKAm.jpg',
               u'rating': 8.0,
               u'release_date': u'2001-12-19',
               u'title': u'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring',
               u'vote_average': 8.8,
               u'vote_count': 125},
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               u'id': 155,
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               u'rating': 9.0,
               u'release_date': u'2008-07-18',
               u'title': u'The Dark Knight',
               u'vote_average': 8.8,
               u'vote_count': 269},
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               u'id': 12,
               u'original_title': u'Finding Nemo',
               u'poster_path': u'/zjqInUwldOBa0q07fOyohYCWxWX.jpg',
               u'rating': 8.0,
               u'release_date': u'2003-05-30',
               u'title': u'Finding Nemo',
               u'vote_average': 8.7,
               u'vote_count': 41},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/kriCxQiDhdosxzYXEf5JApMdmyq.jpg',
               u'id': 187,
               u'original_title': u'Sin City',
               u'poster_path': u'/eCJkepVJslq1nEtqURLaC1zLPAL.jpg',
               u'rating': 8.0,
               u'release_date': u'2005-04-01',
               u'title': u'Sin City',
               u'vote_average': 8.4,
               u'vote_count': 64},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/6xKCYgH16UuwEGAyroLU6p8HLIn.jpg',
               u'id': 238,
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               u'rating': 9.0,
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               u'title': u'The Godfather',
               u'vote_average': 9.2,
               u'vote_count': 125},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/iX99sWgGZCnjPpDgG29E0HomMLI.jpg',
               u'id': 275,
               u'original_title': u'Fargo',
               u'poster_path': u'/gO0Q7TMuu8PJ9Y736VTgvY02rVD.jpg',
               u'rating': 8.0,
               u'release_date': u'1996-03-15',
               u'title': u'Fargo',
               u'vote_average': 8.2,
               u'vote_count': 29},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/d9AqtruwS8nljKjL5aYzM42hQJr.jpg',
               u'id': 280,
               u'original_title': u'Terminator 2: Judgment Day',
               u'poster_path': u'/2y4dmgWYRMYXdD1UyJVcn2HSd1D.jpg',
               u'rating': 8.0,
               u'release_date': u'1991-07-01',
               u'title': u'Terminator 2: Judgment Day',
               u'vote_average': 9.1,
               u'vote_count': 106},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/xRqsFFteJrvLHxswk78NzU7zOrU.jpg',
               u'id': 289,
               u'original_title': u'Casablanca',
               u'poster_path': u'/sm1QVZu5RKe1vXVHZooo4SZyHMx.jpg',
               u'rating': 8.0,
               u'release_date': u'1942-11-26',
               u'title': u'Casablanca',
               u'vote_average': 8.5,
               u'vote_count': 27},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/heNbD1JojBNz6kfHWr3O8Uk0a3a.jpg',
               u'id': 296,
               u'original_title': u'Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines',
               u'poster_path': u'/lz4xYdF1n09lyiCfZWtWT44SZiG.jpg',
               u'rating': 7.0,
               u'release_date': u'2003-06-30',
               u'title': u'Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines',
               u'vote_average': 6.7,
               u'vote_count': 44},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/wH8vtnsmU4olFJ5wSRHo8RXRhKF.jpg',
               u'id': 310,
               u'original_title': u'Bruce Almighty',
               u'poster_path': u'/oHA5eAeJh7ChPsHnSsppNx4ta6L.jpg',
               u'rating': 8.0,
               u'release_date': u'2003-05-23',
               u'title': u'Bruce Almighty',
               u'vote_average': 7.7,
               u'vote_count': 25},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/tUGSLoMcxNWZ0OIRSqDaB2jNbdE.jpg',
               u'id': 503,
               u'original_title': u'Poseidon',
               u'poster_path': u'/kHrdehzlhyyb190D3RvH8mdX1y2.jpg',
               u'rating': 6.0,
               u'release_date': u'2006-05-12',
               u'title': u'Poseidon',
               u'vote_average': 6.2,
               u'vote_count': 9},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/tBCOpjphzSLzC6oOjqzTEg6bJ7q.jpg',
               u'id': 534,
               u'original_title': u'Terminator Salvation',
               u'poster_path': u'/hxDfhavtxA2Ayx7O9BsQMcZRdG0.jpg',
               u'rating': 6.0,
               u'release_date': u'2009-05-21',
               u'title': u'Terminator Salvation',
               u'vote_average': 7.0,
               u'vote_count': 57},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/6TlMTnjtBcXFq7rSCcdQoBjTNPd.jpg',
               u'id': 571,
               u'original_title': u'The Birds',
               u'poster_path': u'/8tGRhGAbIZE97bnUAWrYSdqq71t.jpg',
               u'rating': 6.0,
               u'release_date': u'1963-03-28',
               u'title': u'The Birds',
               u'vote_average': 8.1,
               u'vote_count': 6},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/7u3pxc0K1wx32IleAkLv78MKgrw.jpg',
               u'id': 603,
               u'original_title': u'The Matrix',
               u'poster_path': u'/gynBNzwyaHKtXqlEKKLioNkjKgN.jpg',
               u'rating': 9.0,
               u'release_date': u'1999-03-31',
               u'title': u'The Matrix',
               u'vote_average': 9.1,
               u'vote_count': 249},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/jB9nQa6zJIZQ0htH5827Og7Mfsw.jpg',
               u'id': 615,
               u'original_title': u'The Passion of the Christ',
               u'poster_path': u'/6KyvP5bDmwTYdLLnhEn10NFPDIZ.jpg',
               u'rating': 6.0,
               u'release_date': u'2004-02-25',
               u'title': u'The Passion of the Christ',
               u'vote_average': 7.5,
               u'vote_count': 15},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/nO0GtGFQmEuuOyAQVpHjJlWBU8O.jpg',
               u'id': 616,
               u'original_title': u'The Last Samurai',
               u'poster_path': u'/cRz4FRx731ulws6zHuQVaDXpx73.jpg',
               u'rating': 8.0,
               u'release_date': u'2003-12-05',
               u'title': u'The Last Samurai',
               u'vote_average': 8.1,
               u'vote_count': 26}],
 u'total_pages': 12,
 u'total_results': 239}
authentication_guest_session_new(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.

>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.authentication_guest_session_new(<parameters>)
{u'expires_at': u'2012-12-04 22:51:19 UTC',
 u'guest_session_id': u'0c550fd5da2fc3f321ab3bs9b60ca108',
 u'success': True}
authentication_session_new(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:request_token (str) – The request token parameter is the token you generated for the user to approve. The token needs to be approved by the user before being used here. You can read more about this here.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.authentication_session_new(<parameters>)
{u'session_id': u'80b2bf99520cd795ff54e31af97917bc9e3a7c8c', u'success': True}
authentication_token_new(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.

>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.authentication_token_new(<parameters>)
{u'expires_at': u'2012-02-09 19:50:25 UTC',
 u'request_token': u'641bf16c663db167c6cffcdff41126039d4445bf',
 u'success': True}
base_url = u''
certification_movie_list(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.

>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.certification_movie_list(<parameters>)
{u'certifications': {u'AU': [{u'certification': u'E',
                              u'meaning': u'Exempt from classification. Films that are exempt from classification must not contain contentious material (i.e. material that would ordinarily be rated M or higher).',
                              u'order': 1},
                             {u'certification': u'G',
                              u'meaning': u'General. The content is very mild in impact.',
                              u'order': 2},
                             {u'certification': u'PG',
                              u'meaning': u'Parental guidance recommended. There are no age restrictions. The content is mild in impact.',
                              u'order': 2},
                             {u'certification': u'M',
                              u'meaning': u'Recommended for mature audiences. There are no age restrictions. The content is moderate in impact.',
                              u'order': 3},
                             {u'certification': u'MA15+',
                              u'meaning': u'Mature Accompanied. Unsuitable for children younger than 15. Children younger than 15 years must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. The content is strong in impact.',
                              u'order': 5},
                             {u'certification': u'R18+',
                              u'meaning': u'Restricted to 18 years and over. Adults only. The content is high in impact.',
                              u'order': 6},
                             {u'certification': u'X18+',
                              u'meaning': u'Restricted to 18 years and over. Films with this rating have pornographic content. Films classified as X18+ are banned from being sold or rented in all Australian states and are only legally available in the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory. However, importing X18+ material from the two territories to any of the Australian states is legal.The content is sexually explicit in impact.',
                              u'order': 7},
                             {u'certification': u'RC',
                              u'meaning': u'Refused Classification. Banned from sale or hire in Australia; also generally applies to importation (if inspected by and suspicious to Customs). Private Internet viewing is unenforced and attempts to legally censor such online material has resulted in controversy. Films are rated RC if their content exceeds the guidelines. The content is very high in impact.',
                              u'order': 8}],
                     u'CA': [{u'certification': u'G',
                              u'meaning': u'All ages.',
                              u'order': 1},
                             {u'certification': u'PG',
                              u'meaning': u'Parental guidance advised. There is no age restriction but some material may not be suitable for all children.',
                              u'order': 2},
                             {u'certification': u'14A',
                              u'meaning': u'Persons under 14 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.',
                              u'order': 3},
                             {u'certification': u'18A',
                              u'meaning': u'Persons under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. In the Maritimes & Manitoba, children under the age of 14 are prohibited from viewing the film.',
                              u'order': 4},
                             {u'certification': u'R',
                              u'meaning': u'Admittance restricted to people 18 years of age or older.',
                              u'order': 5},
                             {u'certification': u'A',
                              u'meaning': u'Admittance restricted to people 18 years of age or older. Sole purpose of the film is the portrayal of sexually explicit activity and/or explicit violence.',
                              u'order': 5}],
                     u'DE': [{u'certification': u'0',
                              u'meaning': u'No age restriction.',
                              u'order': 1},
                             {u'certification': u'6',
                              u'meaning': u'No children younger than 6 years admitted.',
                              u'order': 2},
                             {u'certification': u'12',
                              u'meaning': u'Children 12 or older admitted, children between 6 and 11 only when accompanied by parent or a legal guardian.',
                              u'order': 3},
                             {u'certification': u'16',
                              u'meaning': u'Children 16 or older admitted, nobody under this age admitted.',
                              u'order': 4},
                             {u'certification': u'18',
                              u'meaning': u'No youth admitted, only adults.',
                              u'order': 5}],
                     u'FR': [{u'certification': u'U',
                              u'meaning': u'(Tous publics) valid for all audiences.',
                              u'order': 1},
                             {u'certification': u'10',
                              u'meaning': u'(D\xe9conseill\xe9 aux moins de 10 ans) unsuitable for children younger than 10 (this rating is only used for TV); equivalent in theatres : "avertissement" (warning), some scenes may be disturbing to young children and sensitive people; equivalent on video : "accord parental" (parental guidance).',
                              u'order': 2},
                             {u'certification': u'12',
                              u'meaning': u'(Interdit aux moins de 12 ans) unsuitable for children younger than 12 or forbidden in cinemas for under 12.',
                              u'order': 3},
                             {u'certification': u'16',
                              u'meaning': u'(Interdit aux moins de 16 ans) unsuitable for children younger than 16 or forbidden in cinemas for under 16.',
                              u'order': 4},
                             {u'certification': u'18',
                              u'meaning': u'(Interdit aux mineurs) unsuitable for children younger than 18 or forbidden in cinemas for under 18.',
                              u'order': 5}],
                     u'GB': [{u'certification': u'U',
                              u'meaning': u'All ages admitted, there is nothing unsuitable for children.',
                              u'order': 1},
                             {u'certification': u'PG',
                              u'meaning': u'All ages admitted, but certain scenes may be unsuitable for young children. May contain mild language and sex/drugs references. May contain moderate violence if justified by context (e.g. fantasy).',
                              u'order': 2},
                             {u'certification': u'12A',
                              u'meaning': u'Films under this category are considered to be unsuitable for very young people. Those aged under 12 years are only admitted if accompanied by an adult, aged at least 18 years, at all times during the motion picture. However, it is generally not recommended that children under 12 years should watch the film. Films under this category can contain mature themes, discrimination, soft drugs, moderate swear words, infrequent strong language and moderate violence, sex references and nudity. Sexual activity may be briefly and discreetly portrayed. Sexual violence may be implied or briefly indicated.',
                              u'order': 3},
                             {u'certification': u'12',
                              u'meaning': u'Home media only since 2002. 12A-rated films are usually given a 12 certificate for the VHS/DVD version unless extra material has been added that requires a higher rating. Nobody younger than 12 can rent or buy a 12-rated VHS, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, UMD or game. The content guidelines are identical to those used for the 12A certificate.',
                              u'order': 4},
                             {u'certification': u'15',
                              u'meaning': u'Only those over 15 years are admitted. Nobody younger than 15 can rent or buy a 15-rated VHS, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, UMD or game, or watch a film in the cinema with this rating. Films under this category can contain adult themes, hard drugs, frequent strong language and limited use of very strong language, strong violence and strong sex references, and nudity without graphic detail. Sexual activity may be portrayed but without any strong detail. Sexual violence may be shown if discreet and justified by context.',
                              u'order': 5},
                             {u'certification': u'18',
                              u'meaning': u'Only adults are admitted. Nobody younger than 18 can rent or buy an 18-rated VHS, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, UMD or game, or watch a film in the cinema with this rating. Films under this category do not have limitation on the bad language that is used. Hard drugs are generally allowed, and explicit sex references along with detailed sexual activity are also allowed. Scenes of strong real sex may be permitted if justified by the context. Very strong, gory, and/or sadistic violence is usually permitted. Strong sexual violence is permitted unless it is eroticised or excessively graphic.',
                              u'order': 6},
                             {u'certification': u'R18',
                              u'meaning': u'Can only be shown at licensed adult cinemas or sold at licensed sex shops, and only to adults, those aged 18 or over. Films under this category are always hard-core pornography, defined as material intended for sexual stimulation and containing clear images of real sexual activity, strong fetish material, explicit animated images, or sight of certain acts such as triple simultaneous penetration and snowballing. There remains a range of material that is often cut from the R18 rating: strong images of injury in BDSM or spanking works, urolagnia, scenes suggesting incest even if staged, references to underage sex or childhood sexual development and aggressive behaviour such as hair-pulling or spitting on a performer are not permitted. More cuts are demanded in this category than any other category.',
                              u'order': 7}],
                     u'IN': [{u'certification': u'U',
                              u'meaning': u'Unrestricted Public Exhibition throughout India, suitable for all age groups. Films under this category should not upset children over 4. Such films may contain educational, social or family-oriented themes. Films under this category may also contain fantasy violence and/or mild bad language.',
                              u'order': 0},
                             {u'certification': u'UA',
                              u'meaning': u'All ages admitted, but it is advised that children below 12 be accompanied by a parent as the theme or content may be considered intense or inappropriate for young children. Films under this category may contain mature themes, sexual references, mild sex scenes, violence with brief gory images and/or infrequent use of crude language.',
                              u'order': 1},
                             {u'certification': u'A',
                              u'meaning': u'Restricted to adult audiences (18 years or over). Nobody below the age of 18 may buy/rent an A-rated DVD, VHS, UMD or watch a film in the cinema with this rating. Films under this category may contain adult/disturbing themes, frequent crude language, brutal violence with blood and gore, strong sex scenes and/or scenes of drug abuse which is considered unsuitable for minors.',
                              u'order': 2}],
                     u'NZ': [{u'certification': u'G',
                              u'meaning': u'Suitable for general audiences.',
                              u'order': 1},
                             {u'certification': u'PG',
                              u'meaning': u'Parental guidance recommended for younger viewers.',
                              u'order': 2},
                             {u'certification': u'M',
                              u'meaning': u'Suitable for (but not restricted to) mature audiences 16 years and up.',
                              u'order': 3},
                             {u'certification': u'13',
                              u'meaning': u'Restricted to persons 13 years of age and over.',
                              u'order': 4},
                             {u'certification': u'15',
                              u'meaning': u'Restricted to persons 15 years of age and over.',
                              u'order': 5},
                             {u'certification': u'16',
                              u'meaning': u'Restricted to persons 16 years of age and over.',
                              u'order': 6},
                             {u'certification': u'18',
                              u'meaning': u'Restricted to persons 18 years of age and over.',
                              u'order': 7},
                             {u'certification': u'R',
                              u'meaning': u'Restricted to a particular class of persons, or for particular purposes, or both.',
                              u'order': 8}],
                     u'US': [{u'certification': u'NR',
                              u'meaning': u'No rating information.',
                              u'order': 0},
                             {u'certification': u'G',
                              u'meaning': u'All ages admitted. There is no content that would be objectionable to most parents. This is one of only two ratings dating back to 1968 that still exists today.',
                              u'order': 1},
                             {u'certification': u'PG',
                              u'meaning': u'Some material may not be suitable for children under 10. These films may contain some mild language, crude/suggestive humor, scary moments and/or violence. No drug content is present. There are a few exceptions to this rule. A few racial insults may also be heard.',
                              u'order': 2},
                             {u'certification': u'PG-13',
                              u'meaning': u'Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. Films given this rating may contain sexual content, brief or partial nudity, some strong language and innuendo, humor, mature themes, political themes, terror and/or intense action violence. However, bloodshed is rarely present. This is the minimum rating at which drug content is present.',
                              u'order': 3},
                             {u'certification': u'R',
                              u'meaning': u'Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian 21 or older. The parent/guardian is required to stay with the child under 17 through the entire movie, even if the parent gives the child/teenager permission to see the film alone. These films may contain strong profanity, graphic sexuality, nudity, strong violence, horror, gore, and strong drug use. A movie rated R for profanity often has more severe or frequent language than the PG-13 rating would permit. An R-rated movie may have more blood, gore, drug use, nudity, or graphic sexuality than a PG-13 movie would admit.',
                              u'order': 4},
                             {u'certification': u'NC-17',
                              u'meaning': u'These films contain excessive graphic violence, intense or explicit sex, depraved, abhorrent behavior, explicit drug abuse, strong language, explicit nudity, or any other elements which, at present, most parents would consider too strong and therefore off-limits for viewing by their children and teens. NC-17 does not necessarily mean obscene or pornographic in the oft-accepted or legal meaning of those words.',
                              u'order': 5}]}}
collection(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –


  • append_to_response (str) – Comma separated, any collection method
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.collection(<parameters>)
{u'backdrop_path': u'/mOTtuakUTb1qY6jG6lzMfjdhLwc.jpg',
 u'id': 10,
 u'name': u'Star Wars Collection',
 u'parts': [{u'backdrop_path': u'/mOTtuakUTb1qY6jG6lzMfjdhLwc.jpg',
             u'id': 11,
             u'poster_path': u'/qoETrQ73Jbd2LDN8EUfNgUerhzG.jpg',
             u'release_date': u'1977-12-27',
             u'title': u'Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope'},
            {u'backdrop_path': None,
             u'id': 1891,
             u'poster_path': None,
             u'release_date': u'1980-05-21',
             u'title': u'Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back'},
            {u'backdrop_path': None,
             u'id': 1892,
             u'poster_path': None,
             u'release_date': u'1983-05-25',
             u'title': u'Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi'},
            {u'backdrop_path': None,
             u'id': 1893,
             u'poster_path': None,
             u'release_date': u'1999-05-19',
             u'title': u'Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace'},
            {u'backdrop_path': None,
             u'id': 1894,
             u'poster_path': None,
             u'release_date': u'2002-05-16',
             u'title': u'Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones'},
            {u'backdrop_path': None,
             u'id': 1895,
             u'poster_path': None,
             u'release_date': u'2005-05-19',
             u'title': u'Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith'}],
 u'poster_path': u'/6rddZZpxMQkGlpQYVVxb2LdQRI3.jpg'}
collection_images(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –


  • include_image_language (str) – Comma separated, a valid ISO 69-1.
  • append_to_response (str) – Comma separated, any collection method
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.collection_images(<parameters>)
{u'backdrops': [{u'aspect_ratio': 1.78,
                 u'file_path': u'/mOTtuakUTb1qY6jG6lzMfjdhLwc.jpg',
                 u'height': 1080,
                 u'iso_639_1': None,
                 u'width': 1920},
                {u'aspect_ratio': 1.78,
                 u'file_path': u'/6dSG8wQBuZ9s0HhKspneFFZI58j.jpg',
                 u'height': 1080,
                 u'iso_639_1': None,
                 u'width': 1920}],
 u'id': 11,
 u'posters': [{u'aspect_ratio': 0.67,
               u'file_path': u'/qoETrQ73Jbd2LDN8EUfNgUerhzG.jpg',
               u'height': 1500,
               u'iso_639_1': u'en',
               u'width': 1000},
              {u'aspect_ratio': 0.67,
               u'file_path': u'/fiPNADHtDsOBvOIye79cLui3aEQ.jpg',
               u'height': 1500,
               u'iso_639_1': None,
               u'width': 1000},
              {u'aspect_ratio': 0.67,
               u'file_path': u'/rUCmBo09lVZbbzCR5zbAMWazvOa.jpg',
               u'height': 1500,
               u'iso_639_1': None,
               u'width': 1000},
              {u'aspect_ratio': 0.67,
               u'file_path': u'/7b95oMhjiWby189P9DwutN5k374.jpg',
               u'height': 1350,
               u'iso_639_1': u'de',
               u'width': 900}]}
company(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –


Parameters:append_to_response (str) – Comma separated, any company method
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
{u'description': None,
 u'headquarters': u'San Francisco, California',
 u'homepage': u'',
 u'id': 1,
 u'logo_path': u'/8rUnVMVZjlmQsJ45UGotD0Uznxj.png',
 u'name': u'Lucasfilm',
 u'parent_company': None}
company_movies(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –


  • append_to_response (str) – Comma separated, any company method
  • page (int) – Minimum 1, maximum 1000.
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.company_movies(<parameters>)
{u'id': 1,
 u'page': 1,
 u'results': [{u'backdrop_path': u'/gmLMaDXi4lFWG8WitaCYOJS5GtL.jpg',
               u'id': 12180,
               u'original_title': u'Star Wars: The Clone Wars',
               u'poster_path': u'/xd6yhmtS6mEURZLwUDT5raEMbf.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2008-08-15',
               u'title': u'Star Wars: The Clone Wars',
               u'vote_average': 7.7,
               u'vote_count': 12},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/alNMTW47nZABwvwz3Gjwarl4btE.jpg',
               u'id': 217,
               u'original_title': u'Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull',
               u'poster_path': u'/6Lv49E0aEusW9vKEMgQgLdetlmO.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2008-05-22',
               u'title': u'Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull',
               u'vote_average': 6.7,
               u'vote_count': 48},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/gZxY7VDOI48gjhnDJK1E6n9uHWk.jpg',
               u'id': 42979,
               u'original_title': u'Robot Chicken: Star Wars',
               u'poster_path': u'/3vcBL7zNVMhLdFSEh3xiquhdp1x.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2007-07-17',
               u'title': u'Robot Chicken: Star Wars',
               u'vote_average': 8.0,
               u'vote_count': 1},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/zHrxWn6P6Zjip9fJmmuEbzDd76o.jpg',
               u'id': 1895,
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              {u'backdrop_path': None,
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               u'title': u'Raiders of the Lost Ark',
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               u'title': u'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back',
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 u'total_pages': 1,
 u'total_results': 20}
configuration(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.

>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.configuration(<parameters>)
{u'change_keys': [u'adult',
 u'images': {u'backdrop_sizes': [u'w300', u'w780', u'w1280', u'original'],
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credit(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:credit_id (str) –


Parameters:language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
{u'credit_type': u'cast',
 u'department': u'Actors',
 u'id': u'5240760b5dbf5b0c2c0139db',
 u'job': u'Actor',
 u'media': {u'character': u'',
            u'episodes': [{u'air_date': u'1994-11-17',
                           u'episode_number': 8,
                           u'name': u'The Mom & Pop Store',
                           u'overview': u'A salesman convinces George to buy a convertible once owned by "Jon Voight." Kramer tries to save a small shoe-repair business, but his good intentions affect Jerry in a big way. Elaine wins tickets for Mr. Pitt, who\'s always wanted to participate in the Macy\'s Thanksgiving Day Parade.',
                           u'season_number': 6,
                           u'still_path': None},
                          {u'air_date': u'1995-01-19',
                           u'episode_number': 12,
                           u'name': u'The Label Maker',
                           u'overview': u'Elaine and Jerry are suspicious of a friend\'s gift, when a gift Elaine gave him, a label maker, is given to Jerry in return for some Superbowl tickets Jerry has but can\'t use because "The Drake" is getting married on Superbowl Sunday and he is in the wedding party. George convinces his girlfriend to get her male roommate to move out, that he soon regrets. Kramer takes playing a game of Risk against Newman seriously. The Superbowl tickets pass through several hands and Jerry sees the game with his worst nightmare.',
                           u'season_number': 6,
                           u'still_path': None},
                          {u'air_date': u'1997-04-24',
                           u'episode_number': 19,
                           u'name': u'The Yada Yada',
                           u'overview': u'George\'s girlfriend is big on using the phrase "yada yada"; Jerry says at least she is succinct. Jerry\'s dentist just became Jewish and he is already making jokes that make Jerry uncomfortable. Kramer and Mickey double date but they can\'t decide which of the women is right for them. Elaine is a character reference for a couple who is trying to adopt; a story she tells during the interview destroys all hope of adoption. George drops by Jerry\'s dental appointment. Mickey and Kramer continue to fight over who gets Karen or Julie. George determines that his girlfriend might be leaving out some significant details with her overuse of the phrase "yada yada." He gets her to fill in the details and discovers more than he wants to know. Jerry confesses to a priest about what he thinks about Tim\'s conversion. George drops by Jerry\'s confession. Kramer decides on the right woman and Mickey also decides to make his a commitment. Tim hears about Jerry\'s dental joke. After hearing Jerry\'s complaints about Tim, Kramer accuses Jerry of being an "anti-dentite." Elaine lobbies on behalf of Beth and Arnie and makes a sacrifice to try getting them a child. Meanwhile, Beth comes to Jerry for help when her marriage is falling apart. It does and she accompanies Jerry to Mickey\'s wedding where she reveals an unknown side of her personality.',
                           u'season_number': 8,
                           u'still_path': None},
                          {u'air_date': u'1997-12-18',
                           u'episode_number': 10,
                           u'name': u'The Strike',
                           u'overview': u'George, Elaine and Jerry attend Tim Whatley\'s Hanukkah party. Jerry meets an attractive woman with whom he sets up a date. Elaine meets a man in a bad denim vest and gives him her fake number. George is offended by Whatley\'s gift to him, a donation in his name to a charity. George is also reminded of the Festivus holiday his father created many years ago. Elaine\'s quest to become a submarine captain and get her free sub sandwich is ruined when she realizes she used her punch card at the party to give her fake number to the denim vested guy. Kramer gets word he can return to his job at the bagel place, it seems he has been on strike for the past 12 years. Elaine goes to the place, an off-track betting parlor, that her fake number reaches. She wanted to give them her real number, so when the denim vest guy calls, she can connect with him. The men at the parlor are interested in connecting with her, so she gives the number for the bagel shop where Kramer is working. Jerry meets his date, Gwen, at a restaurant, but it turns out she is two-faced. Sometimes Gwen looks great, other times she\'s plain; it all depends on the viewer\'s angle and the lighting. George decides to use the Whatley approach when giving out Christmas gifts at Krugers; however, he makes up his own charity called the "Human Fund." Kramer is intrigued by the concept of the Festivus holiday and contacts Frank, who becomes excited at the prospect of rekindling "Festivus for the rest-of-us." Kramer asks to get the 23rd of December off, when he can\'t get it, he resumes the strike; meanwhile Elaine waits at the bagel place for a phone call from the denim vest guy. The look of Jerry\'s girlfriend keeps changing.\nJerry decides that Gwen looks best in the back booth at Monk\'s, something she grows to dislike. George passes out his gifts at Krugers and reaps great rewards. Kramer warns Elaine about the sabotage he committed; the bagel place becomes very steamy and makes Elaine look ugly. Kruger gives George a check for donates $20,000 to the "Human Fund" and later accounting informs him the charity doesn\'t exist. Gwen finds out from Kramer that Jerry is seeing another woman, Kramer has seen her and she\'s not Gwen. Gwen thinks Jerry is two-timing her with an ugly woman. George tries to convince Kruger that he passed out the fake gift cards because he didn\'t want to be ridiculed for the holiday his family traditionally celebrates, Festivus. To prove it, George brings Kruger to his father\'s Festivus dinner, where everyone comes together.',
                           u'season_number': 9,
                           u'still_path': None},
                          {u'air_date': u'1998-05-14',
                           u'episode_number': 23,
                           u'name': u'The Finale, Part 1',
                           u'overview': u'Jerry and George discuss the movies and George\'s desire to get his fifteen minutes of fame. Kramer is off to the beach. Elaine calls a friend, whose father is in the hospital, with her cell phone; Jerry and George tell her that is a social faux pas. Jerry gets a message from NBC that they want to talk about the pilot. So Jerry and George go to meet with the new vice president of programming, who is interested in turning their pilot into a 13 episode series. Jerry and George begin to make plans to move to California. Jerry interrupts Elaine\'s phone call to her friend to tell her about the NBC deal. When he finds out what she did, he tells her that was an even greater faux pas than the cell phone. Jerry and George\'s parents are excited by the news about the NBC deal. NBC offers Jerry George a perk, free use of one of their private jets to anywhere they want. Kramer returns from the beach, but has a little bit of water trapped in his ear. Kramer warns they\'ll never come back from LA, "she\'s a seductress." Hey! He did. The foursome decides where they want to take the private jet. They finally decide on Paris. As they are ready to leave, Elaine plans to call her friend again; Jerry tells her it is not right to rush that kind of phone call. Elaine avoids a faux pas. Newman begs to be brought along, when Jerry denies him, he vows to be there at Jerry\'s day of reckoning. The private jet, except for George who wanted the one Ted Danson would have gotten impresses everyone. With water still in his ear, Kramer tries to get it out mid-flight. He stumbles into the cockpit and the plane starts going into a crash dive. During the descent, George confesses he cheated during "the contest" and Elaine and Jerry are about to tell each other something important, when the plane corrects itself. The plane puts down in the small town of Latham, Massachusetts for a checkup. The foursome goes into town and debates about if they are going to get back on the plane. They witness the robbery of a fat guy, which they all mock and Kramer videotapes. They are arrested under the Good Samaritan law established by the town. They are looking at a fine of a maximum of $85,000 and up to five years in prison. The guard assumes they are going to be prosecuted since this is the first offense of this kind in the country. Jackie Chiles is called in for their defense. The prosecution decides to look into the past of these four and build a case that will destroy their characters. Rivera Live covers the trial. Jerry and George\'s parents prepare to go to Latham for the trial. Newman (who\'s absolutely delighted), Uncle Leo, Peterman, Puddy, Mickey, Bania, Mr. Mrs. Ross, Rabbi Glickman, Keith Hernandez and George Steinbrenner also make their way to Latham. Jackie tries to give George a moral compass. The judge, Arthur Vandelay, begins the trial. George thinks the name might be a good sign. The trial begins with opening arguments.',
                           u'season_number': 9,
                           u'still_path': None}],
            u'id': 5,
            u'name': u'Seinfeld',
            u'original_name': u'Seinfeld',
            u'seasons': []},
 u'media_type': u'tv',
 u'person': {u'id': 17419, u'name': u'Bryan Cranston'}}
discover_movie(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


  • vote_average.gte (str) – Only include movies that are equal to, or have a higher average rating than this value. Expected value is a float.
  • release_date.lte (str) – The maximum release to include. Expected format is YYYY-MM-DD.
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
  • primary_release_year (str) – Filter the results so that only the primary release date year has this value. Expected value is a year.
  • certification_country (str) – Only include movies with certifications for a specific country. When this value is specified, ‘certification.lte’ is required. A ISO 3166-1 is expected.
  • vote_count.gte (str) – Only include movies that are equal to, or have a vote count higher than this value. Expected value is an integer.
  • include_adult (str) – Toggle the inclusion of adult titles. Expected value is a boolean, true or false
  • sort_by (str) – Available options are vote_average.desc, vote_average.asc, release_date.desc, release_date.asc, popularity.desc, popularity.asc
  • with_genres (str) – Only include movies with the specified genres. Expected value is an integer (the id of a genre). Multiple values can be specified. Comma separated indicates an ‘AND’ query, while a pipe (|) separated value indicates an ‘OR’.
  • release_date.gte (str) – The minimum release to include. Expected format is YYYY-MM-DD.
  • certification.lte (str) – Only include movies with this certification and lower. Expected value is a valid certification for the specificed ‘certification_country’.
  • with_companies (str) – Filter movies to include a specific company. Expected value is an integer (the id of a company). They can be comma separated to indicate an ‘AND’ query.
  • year (str) – Filter the results release dates to matches that include this value. Expected value is a year.
  • page (int) – Minimum 1, maximum 1000.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.discover_movie(<parameters>)
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               u'vote_average': 10.0,
               u'vote_count': 1},
              {u'adult': False,
               u'backdrop_path': u'/ivm5T3xOGgG3Tvb8m4ExLBb7wsW.jpg',
               u'id': 11818,
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               u'popularity': 0.92,
               u'poster_path': u'/o1q1Q1R2Bf21NlfzTJiP7Su127X.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2006-02-03',
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               u'vote_average': 10.0,
               u'vote_count': 1},
              {u'adult': False,
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               u'id': 13274,
               u'original_title': u'\u30e9\u30b9\u30c8\u30aa\u30fc\u30c0\u30fc -\u30d5\u30a1\u30a4\u30ca\u30eb\u30d5\u30a1\u30f3\u30bf\u30b8\u30fcVII-',
               u'popularity': 0.2,
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               u'vote_average': 10.0,
               u'vote_count': 2},
              {u'adult': False,
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               u'vote_count': 2},
              {u'adult': False,
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               u'original_title': u'Lassie',
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               u'poster_path': u'/zJOqLMWKKUxWVjfqNnuyO6BRu4r.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2005-12-16',
               u'title': u'Lassie',
               u'vote_average': 10.0,
               u'vote_count': 1},
              {u'adult': False,
               u'backdrop_path': u'/c0i7MxnHADv9MAiEtl7mHCqcNd4.jpg',
               u'id': 15012,
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               u'popularity': 0.711408006785931,
               u'poster_path': u'/nV99lWYgqyyGn61dIHt4LrZbXWY.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2008-01-01',
               u'title': u'Linewatch',
               u'vote_average': 10.0,
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              {u'adult': False,
               u'backdrop_path': None,
               u'id': 18497,
               u'original_title': u'Exils',
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               u'poster_path': u'/cyBz3PzzmkUnjOq8XbIq0NxlX9i.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2004-05-19',
               u'title': u'Exiles',
               u'vote_average': 10.0,
               u'vote_count': 1},
              {u'adult': False,
               u'backdrop_path': None,
               u'id': 23191,
               u'original_title': u'The 9 Ball Diaries',
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 u'total_pages': 204,
 u'total_results': 4066}
discover_tv(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


  • vote_average.gte (str) – Only include TV shows that are equal to, or have a higher average rating than this value. Expected value is a float.
  • first_air_date.gte (str) – The minimum release to include. Expected format is YYYY-MM-DD.
  • first_air_date_year (str) – Filter the results release dates to matches that include this value. Expected value is a year.
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
  • with_genres (str) – Only include TV shows with the specified genres. Expected value is an integer (the id of a genre). Multiple values can be specified. Comma separated indicates an ‘AND’ query, while a pipe (|) separated value indicates an ‘OR’.
  • vote_count.gte (str) – Only include TV shows that are equal to, or have a vote count higher than this value. Expected value is an integer.
  • with_networks (str) – Filter TV shows to include a specific network. Expected value is an integer (the id of a network). They can be comma separated to indicate an ‘AND’ query.
  • sort_by (str) – Available options are vote_average.desc, vote_average.asc, first_air_date.desc, first_air_date.asc, popularity.desc, popularity.asc
  • first_air_date.lte (str) – The maximum release to include. Expected format is YYYY-MM-DD.
  • page (int) – Minimum 1, maximum 1000.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.discover_tv(<parameters>)
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 u'total_results': 60530}
find(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


  • external_source (str) –
  • id (int) –


Parameters:language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.find(<parameters>)
{u'movie_results': [{u'adult': False,
                     u'backdrop_path': u'/n2vIGWw4ezslXjlP0VNxkp9wqwU.jpg',
                     u'id': 12,
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                     u'poster_path': u'/zjqInUwldOBa0q07fOyohYCWxWX.jpg',
                     u'release_date': u'2003-05-30',
                     u'title': u'Finding Nemo',
                     u'vote_average': 7.0,
                     u'vote_count': 1790}],
 u'person_results': [],
 u'tv_results': []}
genre_list(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.genre_list(<parameters>)
{u'genres': [{u'id': 28, u'name': u'Action'},
             {u'id': 12, u'name': u'Adventure'},
             {u'id': 16, u'name': u'Animation'},
             {u'id': 35, u'name': u'Comedy'},
             {u'id': 80, u'name': u'Crime'},
             {u'id': 105, u'name': u'Disaster'},
             {u'id': 99, u'name': u'Documentary'},
             {u'id': 18, u'name': u'Drama'},
             {u'id': 82, u'name': u'Eastern'},
             {u'id': 2916, u'name': u'Erotic'},
             {u'id': 10751, u'name': u'Family'},
             {u'id': 10750, u'name': u'Fan Film'},
             {u'id': 14, u'name': u'Fantasy'},
             {u'id': 10753, u'name': u'Film Noir'},
             {u'id': 10769, u'name': u'Foreign'},
             {u'id': 36, u'name': u'History'},
             {u'id': 10595, u'name': u'Holiday'},
             {u'id': 27, u'name': u'Horror'},
             {u'id': 10756, u'name': u'Indie'},
             {u'id': 10402, u'name': u'Music'},
             {u'id': 22, u'name': u'Musical'},
             {u'id': 9648, u'name': u'Mystery'},
             {u'id': 10754, u'name': u'Neo-noir'},
             {u'id': 1115, u'name': u'Road Movie'},
             {u'id': 10749, u'name': u'Romance'},
             {u'id': 878, u'name': u'Science Fiction'},
             {u'id': 10755, u'name': u'Short'},
             {u'id': 9805, u'name': u'Sport'},
             {u'id': 10758, u'name': u'Sporting Event'},
             {u'id': 10757, u'name': u'Sports Film'},
             {u'id': 10748, u'name': u'Suspense'},
             {u'id': 10770, u'name': u'TV movie'},
             {u'id': 53, u'name': u'Thriller'},
             {u'id': 10752, u'name': u'War'},
             {u'id': 37, u'name': u'Western'}]}
genre_movies(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –


  • include_adult (str) – Toggle the inclusion of adult titles. Expected value is: true or false
  • include_all_movies (str) – Toggle the inclusion of all movies and not just those with 10 or more ratings. Expected value is: true or false
  • page (int) – Minimum 1, maximum 1000.
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.genre_movies(<parameters>)
{u'id': 18,
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               u'release_date': u'1972-03-24',
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               u'vote_average': 9.0,
               u'vote_count': 173},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/8oCkj3t9yvT363svYMssXqGxTRf.jpg',
               u'id': 824,
               u'original_title': u'Moulin Rouge!',
               u'poster_path': u'/vgYM0ZDoeQKZEGxrGAO221J5rIG.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2001-05-16',
               u'title': u'Moulin Rouge!',
               u'vote_average': 8.9,
               u'vote_count': 11},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/6yFtd1s69XRTGIOD6yIoZ3EebKx.jpg',
               u'id': 7549,
               u'original_title': u'Fearless',
               u'poster_path': u'/5gqM2IUANPvM5JnB4m5wePhH3Nt.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2006-01-26',
               u'title': u'Fearless',
               u'vote_average': 8.9,
               u'vote_count': 18},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/xATZyEpnZ0Z0iO9z5K8RZsraGKI.jpg',
               u'id': 840,
               u'original_title': u'Close Encounters of the Third Kind',
               u'poster_path': u'/mABOVIUl5lB0WF4HG28rfamgxG1.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'1977-11-16',
               u'title': u'Close Encounters of the Third Kind',
               u'vote_average': 8.9,
               u'vote_count': 19},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/tEm71iwofHgNcqb0Fn1AyH11BNl.jpg',
               u'id': 11036,
               u'original_title': u'The Notebook',
               u'poster_path': u'/gMfstesBXKdsHToAUXVPHujUDfb.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2004-06-25',
               u'title': u'The Notebook',
               u'vote_average': 8.9,
               u'vote_count': 20},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/mtJrV7i76PtXJMmWz3tu6dWav6n.jpg',
               u'id': 510,
               u'original_title': u"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest",
               u'poster_path': u'/bYZumDpc1o0adyuAZjXqgkZ182m.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'1975-11-19',
               u'title': u"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest",
               u'vote_average': 8.9,
               u'vote_count': 38},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/xDEOxA01480uLTWuvQCw61VmDBt.jpg',
               u'id': 769,
               u'original_title': u'Goodfellas',
               u'poster_path': u'/ddMDzejWFbSas5ipUCUCjAlD5dI.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'1990-09-12',
               u'title': u'Goodfellas',
               u'vote_average': 8.9,
               u'vote_count': 39},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/9yJehIjvR7ULOLxeDJoth4kDDNe.jpg',
               u'id': 5915,
               u'original_title': u'Into the Wild',
               u'poster_path': u'/lHyYgaocXR6KcJLxVmxZDj115hH.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2007-09-21',
               u'title': u'Into the Wild',
               u'vote_average': 8.9,
               u'vote_count': 41},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/k4BAPrE5WkNLvpsPsiMfu8W4Zyi.jpg',
               u'id': 598,
               u'original_title': u'Cidade de Deus',
               u'poster_path': u'/gCqnQaq8T4CfioP9uETLx9iMJF4.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2002-05-18',
               u'title': u'City of God',
               u'vote_average': 8.9,
               u'vote_count': 41},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/ooqPNPS2WdBH7DgIF4em9e0nEld.jpg',
               u'id': 857,
               u'original_title': u'Saving Private Ryan',
               u'poster_path': u'/35CMz4t7PuUiQqt5h4u5nbrXZlF.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'1998-07-24',
               u'title': u'Saving Private Ryan',
               u'vote_average': 8.9,
               u'vote_count': 83}],
 u'total_pages': 25,
 u'total_results': 499}
job_list(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.

>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.job_list(<parameters>)
{u'jobs': [{u'department': u'Writing',
            u'job_list': [u'Screenplay',
                          u'Theatre Play',
                          u'Original Story',
                          u'Scenario Writer',
                          u'Creative Producer',
           {u'department': u'Directing',
            u'job_list': [u'Director',
                          u'Script Supervisor',
                          u'Script Coordinator',
                          u'Special Guest Director']},
           {u'department': u'Actors',
            u'job_list': [u'Actor',
                          u'Stunt Double',
                          u'Special Guest']},
           {u'department': u'Camera',
            u'job_list': [u'Director of Photography',
                          u'Underwater Camera',
                          u'Camera Operator',
                          u'Still Photographer',
                          u'Camera Department Manager',
                          u'Camera Supervisor',
                          u'Camera Technician',
                          u'Steadicam Operator',
                          u'Additional Camera',
                          u'Camera Intern',
                          u'Additional Photography',
                          u'Helicopter Camera']},
           {u'department': u'Editing',
            u'job_list': [u'Editor',
                          u'Supervising Film Editor',
                          u'Additional Editing',
                          u'Editorial Manager',
                          u'First Assistant Editor',
                          u'Additional Editorial Assistant',
                          u'Editorial Coordinator',
                          u'Editorial Production Assistant',
                          u'Editorial Services',
                          u'Dialogue Editor',
                          u'Archival Footage Coordinator',
                          u'Archival Footage Research',
                          u'Color Timer',
                          u'Digital Intermediate',
           {u'department': u'Art',
            u'job_list': [u'Production Design',
                          u'Art Direction',
                          u'Set Decoration',
                          u'Set Designer',
                          u'Conceptual Design',
                          u'Interior Designer',
                          u'Assistant Art Director',
                          u'Art Department Coordinator',
                          u'Art Department Manager',
                          u'Art Department Assistant',
                          u'Background Designer',
                          u'Co-Art Director',
                          u'Set Decoration Buyer',
                          u'Production Illustrator',
                          u'Standby Painter',
                          u'Location Scout',
                          u'Gun Wrangler',
                          u'Construction Coordinator',
                          u'Construction Foreman',
                          u'Lead Painter',
                          u'Sign Painter']},
           {u'department': u'Costume & Make-Up',
            u'job_list': [u'Costume Design',
                          u'Makeup Artist',
                          u'Set Dressing Artist',
                          u'Set Dressing Supervisor',
                          u'Set Dressing Manager',
                          u'Set Dressing Production Assistant',
                          u'Facial Setup Artist',
                          u'Hair Setup',
                          u'Costume Supervisor',
                          u'Set Costumer',
                          u'Makeup Department Head',
                          u'Shoe Design',
                          u'Co-Costume Designer']},
           {u'department': u'Production',
            u'job_list': [u'Producer',
                          u'Executive Producer',
                          u'Production Manager',
                          u'Unit Production Manager',
                          u'Line Producer',
                          u'Location Manager',
                          u'Production Supervisor',
                          u'Production Accountant',
                          u'Production Office Coordinator',
                          u'Executive Consultant',
                          u'Character Technical Supervisor',
                          u'Development Manager',
                          u'Executive In Charge Of Post Production',
                          u'Production Director',
                          u'Executive In Charge Of Production',
           {u'department': u'Sound',
            u'job_list': [u'Original Music Composer',
                          u'Sound Designer',
                          u'Sound Editor',
                          u'Sound Director',
                          u'Sound mixer',
                          u'Music Editor',
                          u'Sound Effects Editor',
                          u'Production Sound Mixer',
                          u'Additional Soundtrack',
                          u'Supervising Sound Editor',
                          u'Supervising Sound Effects Editor',
                          u'Sound Re-Recording Mixer',
                          u'Recording Supervision',
                          u'Boom Operator',
                          u'Sound Montage Associate',
                          u'ADR & Dubbing',
                          u'Sound Engineer',
                          u'Additional Music Supervisor',
                          u'First Assistant Sound Editor',
                          u'Scoring Mixer',
                          u'Dolby Consultant',
           {u'department': u'Visual Effects',
            u'job_list': [u'Animation',
                          u'Visual Effects',
                          u'Chief Technician / Stop-Motion Expert',
                          u'Creature Design',
                          u'CG Painter',
                          u'Visual Development',
                          u'Animation Manager',
                          u'Animation Director',
                          u'Fix Animator',
                          u'Animation Department Coordinator',
                          u'Animation Fix Coordinator',
                          u'Animation Production Assistant',
                          u'Visual Effects Supervisor',
                          u'Mechanical & Creature Designer',
                          u'Battle Motion Coordinator',
                          u'Animation Supervisor',
                          u'VFX Supervisor',
                          u'Cloth Setup',
                          u'VFX Artist',
                          u'CG Engineer',
                          u'24 Frame Playback',
                          u'Imaging Science',
                          u'I/O Supervisor',
                          u'Visual Effects Producer',
                          u'VFX Production Coordinator',
                          u'I/O Manager',
                          u'Additional Effects Development',
                          u'Color Designer',
                          u'Simulation & Effects Production Assistant',
                          u'Simulation & Effects Artist']},
           {u'department': u'Crew',
            u'job_list': [u'Special Effects',
                          u'Post Production Supervisor',
                          u'Second Unit',
                          u'Sound Recordist',
                          u'Stunt Coordinator',
                          u'Special Effects Coordinator',
                          u'Supervising Technical Director',
                          u'Supervising Animator',
                          u'Production Artist',
                          u'Sequence Leads',
                          u'Second Film Editor',
                          u'Temp Music Editor',
                          u'Temp Sound Editor',
                          u'Sequence Supervisor',
                          u'Software Team Lead',
                          u'Software Engineer',
                          u'Documentation & Support',
                          u'Photoscience Manager',
                          u'Department Administrator',
                          u'Schedule Coordinator',
                          u'Supervisor of Production Resources',
                          u'Production Office Assistant',
                          u'Information Systems Manager',
                          u'Systems Administrators & Support',
                          u'Post Production Assistant',
                          u'Sound Design Assistant',
                          u'Mix Technician',
                          u'Motion Actor',
                          u'Sets & Props Supervisor',
                          u'Sets & Props Artist',
                          u'Motion Capture Artist',
                          u'Sequence Artist',
                          u'Mixing Engineer',
                          u'Special Sound Effects',
                          u'Post-Production Manager',
                          u'Dialect Coach',
                          u'Picture Car Coordinator',
                          u'Property Master',
                          u'Set Production Assistant',
                          u'Video Assist Operator',
                          u'Unit Publicist',
                          u'Set Medic',
                          u'Stand In',
                          u'Transportation Coordinator',
                          u'Transportation Captain',
                          u'Supervising Art Director',
                          u'Art Direction',
                          u'Stunts Coordinator',
                          u'Post Production Consulting',
                          u'Production Intern',
                          u'Utility Stunts',
                          u"Actor's Assistant",
                          u'Set Production Intern',
                          u'Production Controller',
                          u'Studio Teachers',
                          u'Craft Service',
                          u'Scenic Artist',
                          u'Prop Maker',
                          u'Transportation Co-Captain',
                          u'Second Unit Cinematographer',
                          u'Manager of Operations',
                          u'Quality Control Supervisor',
                          u'Legal Services',
                          u'Public Relations',
                          u'Score Engineer',
                          u'Title Graphics',
                          u'Telecine Colorist',
                          u'Unit Production Manager',
                          u'Unit Production Manager',
                          u'Animatronic and Prosthetic Effects',
                          u'Martial Arts Choreographer',
                          u'Executive Visual Effects Producer',
                          u'Visual Effects Design Consultant',
                          u'Digital Effects Supervisor',
                          u'Digital Producer',
                          u'CG Supervisor',
                          u'Visual Effects Art Director',
                          u'Visual Effects Editor',
                          u'executive in charge of Finance',
                          u'Associate Choreographer',
                          u'Makeup Effects',
                          u'Lighting Camera',
                          u'Technical Supervisor',
                          u'CGI Supervisor',
                          u'Creative Consultant',
                          u'Executive Music Producer',
                          u'Commissioning Editor',
                          u'Additional Writing',
                          u'Additional Music',
                          u'Additional Dialogue',
                          u'Video Game',
                          u'Graphic Novel Illustrator',
                          u'Series Writer',
                          u'Radio Play']},
           {u'department': u'Lighting',
            u'job_list': [u'Lighting Technician',
                          u'Best Boy Electric',
                          u'Lighting Technician',
                          u'Rigging Gaffer',
                          u'Lighting Supervisor',
                          u'Lighting Manager',
                          u'Directing Lighting Artist',
                          u'Master Lighting Artist',
                          u'Lighting Artist',
                          u'Lighting Coordinator',
                          u'Lighting Production Assistant',
                          u'Best Boy Electrician',
                          u'Rigging Grip',
keyword(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.keyword(<parameters>)
{u'id': 1721, u'name': u'fight'}
keyword_movies(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –


  • page (int) – Minimum 1, maximum 1000.
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.keyword_movies(<parameters>)
{u'id': 1721,
 u'page': 1,
 u'results': [{u'backdrop_path': u'/6xKCYgH16UuwEGAyroLU6p8HLIn.jpg',
               u'id': 238,
               u'original_title': u'The Godfather',
               u'poster_path': u'/d4KNaTrltq6bpkFS01pYtyXa09m.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'1972-03-24',
               u'title': u'The Godfather',
               u'vote_average': 9.2,
               u'vote_count': 125},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/3R6vDW1yBBzejsma8SzzWuxj2AE.jpg',
               u'id': 311,
               u'original_title': u'Once Upon a Time in America',
               u'poster_path': u'/fqP3Q7DWMFqW7mh11hWXbNwN9rz.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'1984-02-17',
               u'title': u'Once Upon a Time in America',
               u'vote_average': 9.1,
               u'vote_count': 34},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/jWDegvAE8XO2XDUHP9eQYlepJv1.jpg',
               u'id': 240,
               u'original_title': u'The Godfather: Part II',
               u'poster_path': u'/tHbMIIF51rguMNSastqoQwR0sBs.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'1974-12-20',
               u'title': u'The Godfather: Part II',
               u'vote_average': 9.1,
               u'vote_count': 61},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/8uO0gUM8aNqYLs1OsTBQiXu0fEv.jpg',
               u'id': 550,
               u'original_title': u'Fight Club',
               u'poster_path': u'/2lECpi35Hnbpa4y46JX0aY3AWTy.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'1999-10-15',
               u'title': u'Fight Club',
               u'vote_average': 9.1,
               u'vote_count': 175},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/mpYypl40Wg2njmuflqEC3Bs3cFB.jpg',
               u'id': 19,
               u'original_title': u'Metropolis',
               u'poster_path': u'/6oyiv4kiTtroUr42H4kqNwg60rj.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'1927-03-13',
               u'title': u'Metropolis',
               u'vote_average': 9.0,
               u'vote_count': 23},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/AplR1QRswlXiM65GoifX8sDadME.jpg',
               u'id': 213,
               u'original_title': u'North by Northwest',
               u'poster_path': u'/rEHP8ylmL3pcsDUEA6Z5qhajYui.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'1959-07-17',
               u'title': u'North by Northwest',
               u'vote_average': 9.0,
               u'vote_count': 28},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/qrI7ZgBgBMIsJSbhyezrfP44frb.jpg',
               u'id': 670,
               u'original_title': u'\uc62c\ub4dc\ubcf4\uc774',
               u'poster_path': u'/jB7ol6ry8dlqMp6kKlKHLfPke4e.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2003-11-21',
               u'title': u'Oldboy',
               u'vote_average': 9.0,
               u'vote_count': 45},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/fRQATr704bMpLc5Skzpj3V9b2iW.jpg',
               u'id': 197,
               u'original_title': u'Braveheart',
               u'poster_path': u'/4T4xQJXSdTNbzUrlT6Eh13kiy5H.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'1995-05-24',
               u'title': u'Braveheart',
               u'vote_average': 9.0,
               u'vote_count': 65},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/8BPZO0Bf8TeAy8znF43z8soK3ys.jpg',
               u'id': 122,
               u'original_title': u'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King',
               u'poster_path': u'/j6NCjU6Zh7SkfIeN5zDaoTmBn4m.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2003-12-17',
               u'title': u'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King',
               u'vote_average': 9.0,
               u'vote_count': 135},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/tv8J6uCTKsTlASa8luJqrFiJlBX.jpg',
               u'id': 78,
               u'original_title': u'Blade Runner',
               u'poster_path': u'/ewq1lwhOT8GqBcQH1w8D1BagwTh.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'1982-06-25',
               u'title': u'Blade Runner',
               u'vote_average': 9.0,
               u'vote_count': 147},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/xBKGJQsAIeweesB79KC89FpBrVr.jpg',
               u'id': 278,
               u'original_title': u'The Shawshank Redemption',
               u'poster_path': u'/9O7gLzmreU0nGkIB6K3BsJbzvNv.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'1994-09-14',
               u'title': u'The Shawshank Redemption',
               u'vote_average': 9.0,
               u'vote_count': 173},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/8oCkj3t9yvT363svYMssXqGxTRf.jpg',
               u'id': 824,
               u'original_title': u'Moulin Rouge!',
               u'poster_path': u'/vgYM0ZDoeQKZEGxrGAO221J5rIG.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2001-05-16',
               u'title': u'Moulin Rouge!',
               u'vote_average': 8.9,
               u'vote_count': 11},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/6yFtd1s69XRTGIOD6yIoZ3EebKx.jpg',
               u'id': 7549,
               u'original_title': u'Fearless',
               u'poster_path': u'/5gqM2IUANPvM5JnB4m5wePhH3Nt.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2006-01-26',
               u'title': u'Fearless',
               u'vote_average': 8.9,
               u'vote_count': 18},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/xATZyEpnZ0Z0iO9z5K8RZsraGKI.jpg',
               u'id': 840,
               u'original_title': u'Close Encounters of the Third Kind',
               u'poster_path': u'/mABOVIUl5lB0WF4HG28rfamgxG1.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'1977-11-16',
               u'title': u'Close Encounters of the Third Kind',
               u'vote_average': 8.9,
               u'vote_count': 19},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/tEm71iwofHgNcqb0Fn1AyH11BNl.jpg',
               u'id': 11036,
               u'original_title': u'The Notebook',
               u'poster_path': u'/gMfstesBXKdsHToAUXVPHujUDfb.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2004-06-25',
               u'title': u'The Notebook',
               u'vote_average': 8.9,
               u'vote_count': 20},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/mtJrV7i76PtXJMmWz3tu6dWav6n.jpg',
               u'id': 510,
               u'original_title': u"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest",
               u'poster_path': u'/bYZumDpc1o0adyuAZjXqgkZ182m.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'1975-11-19',
               u'title': u"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest",
               u'vote_average': 8.9,
               u'vote_count': 38},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/xDEOxA01480uLTWuvQCw61VmDBt.jpg',
               u'id': 769,
               u'original_title': u'Goodfellas',
               u'poster_path': u'/ddMDzejWFbSas5ipUCUCjAlD5dI.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'1990-09-12',
               u'title': u'Goodfellas',
               u'vote_average': 8.9,
               u'vote_count': 39},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/9yJehIjvR7ULOLxeDJoth4kDDNe.jpg',
               u'id': 5915,
               u'original_title': u'Into the Wild',
               u'poster_path': u'/lHyYgaocXR6KcJLxVmxZDj115hH.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2007-09-21',
               u'title': u'Into the Wild',
               u'vote_average': 8.9,
               u'vote_count': 41},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/k4BAPrE5WkNLvpsPsiMfu8W4Zyi.jpg',
               u'id': 598,
               u'original_title': u'Cidade de Deus',
               u'poster_path': u'/gCqnQaq8T4CfioP9uETLx9iMJF4.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2002-05-18',
               u'title': u'City of God',
               u'vote_average': 8.9,
               u'vote_count': 41},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/ooqPNPS2WdBH7DgIF4em9e0nEld.jpg',
               u'id': 857,
               u'original_title': u'Saving Private Ryan',
               u'poster_path': u'/35CMz4t7PuUiQqt5h4u5nbrXZlF.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'1998-07-24',
               u'title': u'Saving Private Ryan',
               u'vote_average': 8.9,
               u'vote_count': 83}],
 u'total_pages': 5,
 u'total_results': 84}
list(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


  • id (int) –
  • session_id (str) –
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.list(<parameters>)
{u'status_code': 13,
 u'status_message': u'The item/record was deleted successfully'}
list_add_item(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


  • Required JSON Body (str) –
  • media_id (str) – A movie id
  • id (int) –
  • session_id (str) –
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.list_add_item(<parameters>)
{u'status_code': 12,
 u'status_message': u'The item/record was updated successfully'}
list_item_status(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


  • movie_id (int) – Check to see if this movie ID (integer) is already part of a list or not.
  • id (int) –
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.list_item_status(<parameters>)
{u'id': u'509ec17b19c2950a0600050d', u'item_present': True}
list_remove_item(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


  • Required JSON Body (str) –
  • media_id (str) – A movie id
  • id (int) –
  • session_id (str) –
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.list_remove_item(<parameters>)
{u'status_code': 12,
 u'status_message': u'The item/record was updated successfully'}
movie(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –


  • append_to_response (str) – Comma separated, any movie method
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
{u'adult': False,
 u'backdrop_path': u'/8uO0gUM8aNqYLs1OsTBQiXu0fEv.jpg',
 u'belongs_to_collection': None,
 u'budget': 63000000,
 u'genres': [{u'id': 28, u'name': u'Action'},
             {u'id': 18, u'name': u'Drama'},
             {u'id': 53, u'name': u'Thriller'}],
 u'homepage': u'',
 u'id': 550,
 u'imdb_id': u'tt0137523',
 u'original_title': u'Fight Club',
 u'overview': u'A ticking-time-bomb insomniac and a slippery soap salesman channel primal male aggression into a shocking new form of therapy. Their concept catches on, with underground "fight clubs" forming in every town, until an eccentric gets in the way and ignites an out-of-control spiral toward oblivion.',
 u'popularity': 61151.745,
 u'poster_path': u'/2lECpi35Hnbpa4y46JX0aY3AWTy.jpg',
 u'production_companies': [{u'id': 25, u'name': u'20th Century Fox'}],
 u'production_countries': [{u'iso_3166_1': u'DE', u'name': u'Germany'},
                           {u'iso_3166_1': u'US',
                            u'name': u'United States of America'}],
 u'release_date': u'1999-10-15',
 u'revenue': 100853753,
 u'runtime': 139,
 u'spoken_languages': [{u'iso_639_1': u'en', u'name': u'English'}],
 u'status': u'Released',
 u'tagline': u"How much can you know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?",
 u'title': u'Fight Club',
 u'vote_average': 9.1,
 u'vote_count': 174}
movie_account_states(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


  • id (int) –
  • session_id (str) –
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.movie_account_states(<parameters>)
{u'favorite': False,
 u'id': 550,
 u'rated': {u'value': 7.5},
 u'watchlist': False}
movie_alternative_titles(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –


  • country (str) – ISO 3166-1 code.
  • append_to_response (str) – Comma separated, any movie method
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.movie_alternative_titles(<parameters>)
{u'id': 550,
 u'titles': [{u'iso_3166_1': u'PL', u'title': u'Podziemny kr\u0105g'},
             {u'iso_3166_1': u'TW',
              u'title': u'\u9b25\u9663\u4ff1\u6a02\u90e8'}]}
movie_changes(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –


  • start_date (str) – YYYY-MM-DD
  • end_date (str) – YYYY-MM-DD
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.movie_changes(<parameters>)
{u'changes': [{u'items': [{u'action': u'created',
                           u'id': u'507436ef19c2957f27000054',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:38:39 UTC'}],
               u'key': u'general'},
              {u'items': [{u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'507436ef19c2957f27000055',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:38:39 UTC',
                           u'value': u'The Duke'}],
               u'key': u'original_title'},
              {u'items': [{u'action': u'deleted',
                           u'id': u'507436f619c2957efe000048',
                           u'iso_639_1': u'en',
                           u'original_value': u'hello hello',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:38:46 UTC'},
                          {u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'507436ef19c2957f27000056',
                           u'iso_639_1': u'en',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:38:39 UTC',
                           u'value': u'hello hello'}],
               u'key': u'overview'},
              {u'items': [{u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'507436ef19c2957f27000057',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:38:39 UTC',
                           u'value': u'tt0196516'}],
               u'key': u'imdb_id'},
              {u'items': [{u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'507436ef19c2957f27000058',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:38:39 UTC',
                           u'value': 0}],
               u'key': u'budget'},
              {u'items': [{u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'507436ef19c2957f27000059',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:38:39 UTC',
                           u'value': 0}],
               u'key': u'revenue'},
              {u'items': [{u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'507436ef19c2957f2700005a',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:38:39 UTC',
                           u'value': u'en'}],
               u'key': u'translations'},
              {u'items': [{u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'507436ef19c2957f2700005b',
                           u'iso_639_1': u'en',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:38:39 UTC',
                           u'value': 88}],
               u'key': u'runtime'},
              {u'items': [{u'action': u'updated',
                           u'id': u'507436ef19c2957f2700005c',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:38:39 UTC',
                           u'value': False}],
               u'key': u'adult'},
              {u'items': [{u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'5074370019c2957efe00004c',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:38:56 UTC',
                           u'value': u'en'}],
               u'key': u'spoken_languages'},
              {u'items': [{u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'5074370719c2957f2700005e',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:39:03 UTC',
                           u'value': u'US'},
                          {u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'5074370419c29518f6000902',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:39:00 UTC',
                           u'value': u'GB'}],
               u'key': u'production_countries'},
              {u'items': [{u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'5074371019c2955c9c0001ee',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:39:12 UTC',
                           u'value': {u'id': 10751, u'name': u'Family'}},
                          {u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'5074371019c2955c9c0001ed',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:39:12 UTC',
                           u'value': {u'id': 18, u'name': u'Drama'}},
                          {u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'5074371019c2955c9c0001ec',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:39:12 UTC',
                           u'value': {u'id': 35, u'name': u'Comedy'}}],
               u'key': u'genres'},
              {u'items': [{u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'5074374b19c2957ec200004e',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:40:11 UTC',
                           u'value': {u'certification': u'G',
                                      u'iso_3166_1': u'US',
                                      u'primary': True,
                                      u'release_date': u'1999-01-01'}}],
               u'key': u'releases'},
              {u'items': [{u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'507437d319c2957f27000078',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:42:27 UTC',
                           u'value': {u'department': u'Sound',
                                      u'job': u'Music',
                                      u'person_id': 61247}},
                          {u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'507437c719c29518f600091b',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:42:15 UTC',
                           u'value': {u'department': u'Production',
                                      u'job': u'Executive Producer',
                                      u'person_id': 61244}},
                          {u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'507437be19c2955c9c00020c',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:42:06 UTC',
                           u'value': {u'department': u'Production',
                                      u'job': u'Executive Producer',
                                      u'person_id': 94980}},
                          {u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'507437b519c2955c9c000207',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:41:57 UTC',
                           u'value': {u'department': u'Production',
                                      u'job': u'Executive Producer',
                                      u'person_id': 955496}},
                          {u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'507437a919c295228f0012bf',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:41:45 UTC',
                           u'value': {u'department': u'Production',
                                      u'job': u'Producer',
                                      u'person_id': 950332}},
                          {u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'5074379b19c2955c9c000202',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:41:31 UTC',
                           u'value': {u'department': u'Writing',
                                      u'job': u'Screenplay',
                                      u'person_id': 61244}},
                          {u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'5074379119c295228f0012bb',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:41:21 UTC',
                           u'value': {u'department': u'Writing',
                                      u'job': u'Screenplay',
                                      u'person_id': 94980}},
                          {u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'5074378819c2957f2700006a',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:41:12 UTC',
                           u'value': {u'department': u'Writing',
                                      u'job': u'Screenplay',
                                      u'person_id': 1106571}},
                          {u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'5074378119c29518f6000911',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:41:05 UTC',
                           u'value': {u'department': u'Writing',
                                      u'job': u'Story',
                                      u'person_id': 1106570}},
                          {u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'5074377119c295228f0012b4',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:40:49 UTC',
                           u'value': {u'department': u'Directing',
                                      u'job': u'Director',
                                      u'person_id': 105746}}],
               u'key': u'crew'},
              {u'items': [{u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'5074382d19c2951aaa00055c',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:43:57 UTC',
                           u'value': {u'character': u'Basil Rathwood',
                                      u'order': 9,
                                      u'person_id': 129996}},
                          {u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'5074382719c29518f6000925',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:43:51 UTC',
                           u'value': {u'character': u'Lord Huffbottom',
                                      u'order': 8,
                                      u'person_id': 178914}},
                          {u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'5074381c19c29519b0000505',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:43:40 UTC',
                           u'value': {u'character': u'Mrs. Puddingforth',
                                      u'order': 7,
                                      u'person_id': 165458}},
                          {u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'5074381519c2957efe000061',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:43:33 UTC',
                           u'value': {u'character': u'Lady Fautblossom',
                                      u'order': 6,
                                      u'person_id': 41234}},
                          {u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'5074380e19c2955c9c000221',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:43:26 UTC',
                           u'value': {u'character': u'Shamela Stewart',
                                      u'order': 5,
                                      u'person_id': 186327}},
                          {u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'5074380819c2955c9c00021e',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:43:20 UTC',
                           u'value': {u'character': u'Cecil Cavendish',
                                      u'order': 4,
                                      u'person_id': 93035}},
                          {u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'5074380219c29518f6000921',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:43:14 UTC',
                           u'value': {u'character': u'Florian',
                                      u'order': 3,
                                      u'person_id': 98429}},
                          {u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'507437fc19c295228f0012ca',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:43:08 UTC',
                           u'value': {u'character': u'Charlotte',
                                      u'order': 2,
                                      u'person_id': 149837}},
                          {u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'507437f419c2957f2700007e',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:43:00 UTC',
                           u'value': {u'character': u'Clive Chives',
                                      u'order': 1,
                                      u'person_id': 1751}},
                          {u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'507437ec19c2957ec2000063',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 14:42:52 UTC',
                           u'value': {u'character': u'The Duke',
                                      u'order': 0,
                                      u'person_id': 12642}}],
               u'key': u'cast'}]}
movie_credits(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –


Parameters:append_to_response (str) – Comma separated, any movie method
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.movie_credits(<parameters>)
{u'cast': [{u'cast_id': 4,
            u'character': u'The Narrator',
            u'id': 819,
            u'name': u'Edward Norton',
            u'order': 0,
            u'profile_path': u'/588Hrov6wwM9WcU88nJHlw2iufN.jpg'},
           {u'cast_id': 5,
            u'character': u'Tyler Durden',
            u'id': 287,
            u'name': u'Brad Pitt',
            u'order': 1,
            u'profile_path': u'/kc3M04QQAuZ9woUvH3Ju5T7ZqG5.jpg'},
           {u'cast_id': 6,
            u'character': u'Marla Singer',
            u'id': 1283,
            u'name': u'Helena Bonham Carter',
            u'order': 2,
            u'profile_path': u'/58oJPFG1wefMC0Vj7sFzHPrm67J.jpg'},
           {u'cast_id': 7,
            u'character': u"Robert 'Bob' Paulson",
            u'id': 7470,
            u'name': u'Meat Loaf',
            u'order': 3,
            u'profile_path': u'/pwNyXgegO1nlZ8uWT847JM8EjGj.jpg'},
           {u'cast_id': 8,
            u'character': u'Richard Chesler',
            u'id': 7471,
            u'name': u'Zach Grenier',
            u'order': 4,
            u'profile_path': u'/jghYiKdNkVehKpiVyE97AWrU9KQ.jpg'},
           {u'cast_id': 9,
            u'character': u'Intern',
            u'id': 7472,
            u'name': u'Richmond Arquette',
            u'order': 5,
            u'profile_path': None},
           {u'cast_id': 10,
            u'character': u'Thomas',
            u'id': 7219,
            u'name': u'David Andrews',
            u'order': 6,
            u'profile_path': u'/pxmxn29UHW9r6uvLrd7bEwLswlQ.jpg'},
           {u'cast_id': 11,
            u'character': u'Chloe',
            u'id': 7473,
            u'name': u'Rachel Singer',
            u'order': 7,
            u'profile_path': None},
           {u'cast_id': 22,
            u'character': u'The Mechanic',
            u'id': 7497,
            u'name': u'Holt McCallany',
            u'order': 8,
            u'profile_path': u'/hQBfcw9KVszdenlTZTR8AIrSpex.jpg'},
           {u'cast_id': 23,
            u'character': u'Ricky',
            u'id': 7498,
            u'name': u'Eion Bailey',
            u'order': 9,
            u'profile_path': u'/4MnRgrwuiJvHsfoiJrIUL4TkfoC.jpg'},
           {u'cast_id': 24,
            u'character': u'Angel Face',
            u'id': 7499,
            u'name': u'Jared Leto',
            u'order': 10,
            u'profile_path': u'/lzQSuu5o0JC9mCncYjVnncSH5lO.jpg'},
           {u'cast_id': 25,
            u'character': u'Lou',
            u'id': 7500,
            u'name': u'Peter Iacangelo',
            u'order': 11,
            u'profile_path': None},
           {u'cast_id': 30,
            u'character': u'Walter',
            u'id': 56112,
            u'name': u'David Lee Smith',
            u'order': 12,
            u'profile_path': u'/xYkMA9AWtUN93KV5hWzlDkcnebB.jpg'}],
 u'crew': [{u'department': u'Writing',
            u'id': 7469,
            u'job': u'Author',
            u'name': u'Jim Uhls',
            u'profile_path': None},
           {u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 7474,
            u'job': u'Producer',
            u'name': u'Ross Grayson Bell',
            u'profile_path': None},
           {u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 7475,
            u'job': u'Producer',
            u'name': u'Ce\xe1n Chaffin',
            u'profile_path': None},
           {u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 1254,
            u'job': u'Producer',
            u'name': u'Art Linson',
            u'profile_path': u'/dEtVivCXxQBtIzmJcUNupT1AB4H.jpg'},
           {u'department': u'Sound',
            u'id': 7477,
            u'job': u'Original Music Composer',
            u'name': u'John King',
            u'profile_path': None},
           {u'department': u'Sound',
            u'id': 7478,
            u'job': u'Original Music Composer',
            u'name': u'Michael Simpson',
            u'profile_path': None},
           {u'department': u'Camera',
            u'id': 7479,
            u'job': u'Director of Photography',
            u'name': u'Jeff Cronenweth',
            u'profile_path': None},
           {u'department': u'Editing',
            u'id': 7480,
            u'job': u'Editor',
            u'name': u'James Haygood',
            u'profile_path': None},
           {u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 7481,
            u'job': u'Casting',
            u'name': u'Laray Mayfield',
            u'profile_path': None},
           {u'department': u'Art',
            u'id': 1303,
            u'job': u'Production Design',
            u'name': u'Alex McDowell',
            u'profile_path': None},
           {u'department': u'Sound',
            u'id': 7763,
            u'job': u'Sound Editor',
            u'name': u'Ren Klyce',
            u'profile_path': None},
           {u'department': u'Sound',
            u'id': 7764,
            u'job': u'Sound Editor',
            u'name': u'Richard Hymns',
            u'profile_path': None},
           {u'department': u'Directing',
            u'id': 7467,
            u'job': u'Director',
            u'name': u'David Fincher',
            u'profile_path': u'/dcBHejOsKvzVZVozWJAPzYthb8X.jpg'},
           {u'department': u'Writing',
            u'id': 7468,
            u'job': u'Novel',
            u'name': u'Chuck Palahniuk',
            u'profile_path': u'/8nOJDJ6SqwV2h7PjdLBDTvIxXvx.jpg'}],
 u'id': 550}
movie_images(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –


  • include_image_language (str) – Comma separated, a valid ISO 69-1.
  • append_to_response (str) – Comma separated, any movie method
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.movie_images(<parameters>)
{u'backdrops': [{u'aspect_ratio': 1.78,
                 u'file_path': u'/8uO0gUM8aNqYLs1OsTBQiXu0fEv.jpg',
                 u'height': 720,
                 u'iso_639_1': None,
                 u'vote_average': 6.647058823529412,
                 u'vote_count': 17,
                 u'width': 1280},
                {u'aspect_ratio': 1.78,
                 u'file_path': u'/8T0hpqWsgzKhWGsXGD8ilkwRPkC.jpg',
                 u'height': 720,
                 u'iso_639_1': None,
                 u'vote_average': 6.375,
                 u'vote_count': 12,
                 u'width': 1280},
                {u'aspect_ratio': 1.78,
                 u'file_path': u'/hNFMawyNDWZKKHU4GYCBz1krsRM.jpg',
                 u'height': 720,
                 u'iso_639_1': None,
                 u'vote_average': 5.714285714285714,
                 u'vote_count': 14,
                 u'width': 1280},
                {u'aspect_ratio': 1.78,
                 u'file_path': u'/mMZRKb3NVo5ZeSPEIaNW9buLWQ0.jpg',
                 u'height': 1080,
                 u'iso_639_1': None,
                 u'vote_average': 5.5625,
                 u'vote_count': 8,
                 u'width': 1920},
                {u'aspect_ratio': 1.78,
                 u'file_path': u'/9Kr6UzouF674Smw3D9Hp2DlH1Vo.jpg',
                 u'height': 720,
                 u'iso_639_1': None,
                 u'vote_average': 5.55,
                 u'vote_count': 10,
                 u'width': 1280},
                {u'aspect_ratio': 1.78,
                 u'file_path': u'/eTVdpy2JXaGFit2V2ToZ79v9D7R.jpg',
                 u'height': 1080,
                 u'iso_639_1': None,
                 u'vote_average': 5.25,
                 u'vote_count': 12,
                 u'width': 1920},
                {u'aspect_ratio': 1.78,
                 u'file_path': u'/fuSeIUKsizmfiPIwDH7lKiFNQoD.jpg',
                 u'height': 720,
                 u'iso_639_1': None,
                 u'vote_average': 4.3,
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                 u'width': 1280}],
 u'id': 550,
 u'posters': [{u'aspect_ratio': 0.67,
               u'file_path': u'/2lECpi35Hnbpa4y46JX0aY3AWTy.jpg',
               u'height': 1500,
               u'iso_639_1': u'en',
               u'vote_average': 6.1395348837209305,
               u'vote_count': 43,
               u'width': 1000},
              {u'aspect_ratio': 0.71,
               u'file_path': u'/shFj1K58Tn55Qz2p2v0RqxXiXyo.jpg',
               u'height': 1408,
               u'iso_639_1': u'en',
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movie_keywords(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –


Parameters:append_to_response (str) – Comma separated, any movie method
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.movie_keywords(<parameters>)
{u'id': 550,
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movie_latest(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.

>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.movie_latest(<parameters>)
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movie_lists(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –


  • append_to_response (str) – Comma separated, any movie method
  • page (int) – Minimum 1, maximum 1000.
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.movie_lists(<parameters>)
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movie_now_playing(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


  • page (int) – Minimum 1, maximum 1000.
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.movie_now_playing(<parameters>)
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For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


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               u'vote_average': 0.0,
               u'vote_count': 0},
              {u'adult': False,
               u'backdrop_path': u'/g62SFRNTiVK2e5FMqivziQ4SX6J.jpg',
               u'id': 109421,
               u'original_title': u'Side Effects',
               u'popularity': 16.6879135174643,
               u'poster_path': u'/ttD69Yhh2BV1WVqr27NRbF8ubOW.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2013-02-08',
               u'title': u'Side Effects',
               u'vote_average': 5.1,
               u'vote_count': 17},
              {u'adult': False,
               u'backdrop_path': u'/7ObVZtidm7uGWPrNkep2kf2wUPN.jpg',
               u'id': 106021,
               u'original_title': u'The Expatriate',
               u'popularity': 16.338470937008,
               u'poster_path': u'/EWFPlsGbwFgTgnPfJe93OXdCI6.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2012-09-26',
               u'title': u'Erased',
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 u'total_pages': 6142,
 u'total_results': 122821}
movie_rating(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


  • value (str) –
  • Required JSON Body (str) –
  • id (int) –
  • session_id (str) –
  • guest_session_id (str) –
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.movie_rating(<parameters>)
{u'status_code': 1, u'status_message': u'Success'}
movie_releases(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –


Parameters:append_to_response (str) – Comma separated, any movie method
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.movie_releases(<parameters>)
{u'countries': [{u'certification': u'R',
                 u'iso_3166_1': u'US',
                 u'release_date': u'1999-10-15'},
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                 u'release_date': u'1999-11-11'},
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                 u'release_date': u'1999-11-12'},
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                 u'iso_3166_1': u'FR',
                 u'release_date': u'1999-11-10'},
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                 u'release_date': u'1999-12-10'},
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                 u'iso_3166_1': u'BG',
                 u'release_date': u'2012-08-28'}],
 u'id': 550}
movie_reviews(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –


  • append_to_response (str) – Comma separated, any movie method
  • page (int) – Minimum 1, maximum 1000.
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.movie_reviews(<parameters>)
{u'id': 49026,
 u'page': 1,
 u'results': [{u'author': u'Travis Bell',
               u'content': u"I felt like this was a tremendous end to Nolan's Batman trilogy. The Dark Knight Rises may very well have been the weakest of all 3 films but when you're talking about a scale of this magnitude, it still makes this one of the best movies I've seen in the past few years.\r\n\r\nI expected a little more _Batman_ than we got (especially with a runtime of 2:45) but while the story around the fall of Bruce Wayne and Gotham City was good I didn't find it amazing. This might be in fact, one of my only criticisms\u2014it was a long movie but still, maybe too short for the story I felt was really being told. I feel confident in saying this big of a story could have been split into two movies.\r\n\r\nThe acting, editing, pacing, soundtrack and overall theme were the same 'as-close-to-perfect' as ever with any of Christopher Nolan's other films. Man does this guy know how to make a movie!\r\n\r\nYou don't have to be a Batman fan to enjoy these movies and I hope any of you who feel this way re-consider. These 3 movies are without a doubt in my mind, the finest display of comic mythology ever told on the big screen. They are damn near perfect.",
               u'id': u'5010553819c2952d1b000451',
               u'url': u''},
              {u'author': u'Chris',
               u'content': u"I personally thought this film is on par if not better than the Dark Knight.\r\n\r\nWhilst some think the film is too long for the story I didn't find this. The length of the film is longer than some (but doesn't feel it), I liked that the film took it's time rather than shoving more elements in it - I think this contributed to the dramatic ending (much like a classical piece of music will be relaxed and calm before the final crescendo).\r\n\r\nAt the end of the day whether you like this film will boil down to if you like films Christopher Nolan has directed and/or you like the Christopher Nolan Batman series so far.\r\n\r\nStupendously good film in my opinion.",
               u'id': u'5013bc76760ee372cb00253e',
               u'url': u''},
              {u'author': u'GeekMasher',
               u'content': u'The Dark Knight Rises is one of the best movies to come out in 2012. The story compels you to watch it time and time again. It also has I of, I my opinion, the best bad guys in any movie, Bane! Batman was well played as all ways and the cast where well selected. I think this movie is the best batman to see the light of day or the darkest nights (pun intended).',
               u'id': u'51429a7519c29552e10eba16',
               u'url': u''}],
 u'total_pages': 1,
 u'total_results': 3}
movie_similar_movies(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –


  • append_to_response (str) – Comma separated, any movie method
  • page (int) – Minimum 1, maximum 1000.
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.movie_similar_movies(<parameters>)
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movie_top_rated(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


  • page (int) – Minimum 1, maximum 1000.
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.movie_top_rated(<parameters>)
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               u'poster_path': u'/4T4xQJXSdTNbzUrlT6Eh13kiy5H.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'1995-05-24',
               u'title': u'Braveheart',
               u'vote_average': 9.0,
               u'vote_count': 65}],
 u'total_pages': 62,
 u'total_results': 1232}
movie_trailers(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –


Parameters:append_to_response (str) – Comma separated, any movie method
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.movie_trailers(<parameters>)
{u'id': 550,
 u'quicktime': [],
 u'youtube': [{u'name': u'Trailer 1',
               u'size': u'HD',
               u'source': u'SUXWAEX2jlg',
               u'type': u'Trailer'}]}
movie_translations(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –


Parameters:append_to_response (str) – Comma separated, any movie method
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.movie_translations(<parameters>)
{u'id': 550,
 u'translations': [{u'english_name': u'English',
                    u'iso_639_1': u'en',
                    u'name': u'English'},
                   {u'english_name': u'Spanish',
                    u'iso_639_1': u'es',
                    u'name': u'Espa\xf1ol'},
                   {u'english_name': u'Ukrainian',
                    u'iso_639_1': u'uk',
                    u'name': u'\u0423\u043a\u0440\u0430\u0457\u043d\u0441\u044c\u043a\u0438\u0439'},
                   {u'english_name': u'German',
                    u'iso_639_1': u'de',
                    u'name': u'Deutsch'},
                   {u'english_name': u'Portuguese',
                    u'iso_639_1': u'pt',
                    u'name': u'Portugu\xeas'},
                   {u'english_name': u'French',
                    u'iso_639_1': u'fr',
                    u'name': u'Fran\xe7ais'},
                   {u'english_name': u'Dutch',
                    u'iso_639_1': u'nl',
                    u'name': u'Nederlands'},
                   {u'english_name': u'Hungarian',
                    u'iso_639_1': u'hu',
                    u'name': u'Magyar'},
                   {u'english_name': u'Russian',
                    u'iso_639_1': u'ru',
                    u'name': u'P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439'},
                   {u'english_name': u'Italian',
                    u'iso_639_1': u'it',
                    u'name': u'Italiano'},
                   {u'english_name': u'Turkish',
                    u'iso_639_1': u'tr',
                    u'name': u'T\xfcrk\xe7e'},
                   {u'english_name': u'Mandarin',
                    u'iso_639_1': u'zh',
                    u'name': u'\u4e2d\u56fd'},
                   {u'english_name': u'Danish',
                    u'iso_639_1': u'da',
                    u'name': u'Dansk'},
                   {u'english_name': u'Swedish',
                    u'iso_639_1': u'sv',
                    u'name': u'svenska'},
                   {u'english_name': u'Polish',
                    u'iso_639_1': u'pl',
                    u'name': u'Polski'},
                   {u'english_name': u'Czech',
                    u'iso_639_1': u'cs',
                    u'name': u'\u010cesk\xfd'},
                   {u'english_name': u'Finnish',
                    u'iso_639_1': u'fi',
                    u'name': u'suomi'},
                   {u'english_name': u'Hebrew',
                    u'iso_639_1': u'he',
                    u'name': u'\u05e2\u05b4\u05d1\u05b0\u05e8\u05b4\u05d9\u05ea'}]}
movie_upcoming(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


  • page (int) – Minimum 1, maximum 1000.
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.movie_upcoming(<parameters>)
{u'page': 1,
 u'results': [{u'backdrop_path': u'/tOjAcMiF1fysNtV9csAmOblrKSC.jpg',
               u'id': 53100,
               u'original_title': u'Bringing Up Bobby',
               u'poster_path': u'/rF6hzUnfp0iFDDi8rSSpY0z2pmk.jpg',
               u'release_date': u'2011-11-25',
               u'title': u'Bringing Up Bobby',
               u'vote_average': 7.0,
               u'vote_count': 2},
              {u'backdrop_path': None,
               u'id': 121691,
               u'original_title': u'Hellbound?',
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               u'release_date': u'2012-09-28',
               u'title': u'Hellbound?',
               u'vote_average': 0.0,
               u'vote_count': 0},
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               u'id': 76492,
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               u'release_date': u'2012-09-28',
               u'title': u'Hotel Transylvania',
               u'vote_average': 0.0,
               u'vote_count': 0},
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               u'id': 59967,
               u'original_title': u'Looper',
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               u'release_date': u'2012-09-28',
               u'title': u'Looper',
               u'vote_average': 0.0,
               u'vote_count': 0},
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               u'id': 84318,
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               u'release_date': u'2012-09-28',
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               u'vote_average': 0.0,
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              {u'backdrop_path': u'/vcLqVuSMx7dVfuOVKd4IL4RcMsa.jpg',
               u'id': 114150,
               u'original_title': u'Pitch Perfect',
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               u'release_date': u'2012-10-05',
               u'title': u'Pitch Perfect',
               u'vote_average': 0.0,
               u'vote_count': 0},
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               u'id': 32985,
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               u'release_date': u'2012-09-28',
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               u'vote_average': 7.2,
               u'vote_count': 20},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/mmTIlUkf1vjn8zDCyZ6XpFqPLZd.jpg',
               u'id': 82631,
               u'original_title': u"Won't Back Down",
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               u'id': 84192,
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               u'id': 62214,
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               u'release_date': u'2012-10-05',
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               u'vote_average': 0.0,
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              {u'backdrop_path': None,
               u'id': 84284,
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               u'release_date': u'2012-10-05',
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               u'vote_average': 0.0,
               u'vote_count': 0},
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               u'id': 82390,
               u'original_title': u'The Paperboy',
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               u'release_date': u'2012-11-24',
               u'title': u'The Paperboy',
               u'vote_average': 0.0,
               u'vote_count': 0},
              {u'backdrop_path': None,
               u'id': 82675,
               u'original_title': u'Taken 2',
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               u'release_date': u'2012-10-05',
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               u'vote_average': 8.0,
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               u'release_date': u'2012-04-09',
               u'title': u'Wuthering Heights',
               u'vote_average': 5.6,
               u'vote_count': 5},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/rkVH5HFCbzgqU3TjDikzB8yi6yU.jpg',
               u'id': 68734,
               u'original_title': u'Argo',
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               u'title': u'Argo',
               u'vote_average': 0.0,
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               u'id': 68450,
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               u'release_date': u'2011-09-08',
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               u'vote_average': 9.0,
               u'vote_count': 3},
              {u'backdrop_path': None,
               u'id': 95571,
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 u'total_pages': 5,
 u'total_results': 100}
network(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
{u'id': 49, u'name': u'HBO'}
person(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –


Parameters:append_to_response (str) – Comma separated, any person method
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.person(<parameters>)
{u'adult': False,
 u'also_known_as': [],
 u'biography': u'From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.\n\nWilliam Bradley "Brad" Pitt (born December 18, 1963) is an American actor and film producer. Pitt has received two Academy Award nominations and four Golden Globe Award nominations, winning one. He has been described as one of the world\'s most attractive men, a label for which he has received substantial media attention.\n\nPitt began his acting career with television guest appearances, including a role on the CBS prime-time soap opera Dallas in 1987. He later gained recognition as the cowboy hitchhiker who seduces Geena Davis\'s character in the 1991 road movie Thelma & Louise. Pitt\'s first leading roles in big-budget productions came with A River Runs Through It (1992) and Interview with the Vampire (1994). He was cast opposite Anthony Hopkins in the 1994 drama Legends of the Fall, which earned him his first Golden Globe nomination. In 1995 he gave critically acclaimed performances in the crime thriller Seven and the science fiction film 12 Monkeys, the latter securing him a Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor and an Academy Award nomination. Four years later, in 1999, Pitt starred in the cult hit Fight Club. He then starred in the major international hit as Rusty Ryan in Ocean\'s Eleven (2001) and its sequels, Ocean\'s Twelve (2004) and Ocean\'s Thirteen (2007). His greatest commercial successes have been Troy (2004) and Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005). Pitt received his second Academy Award nomination for his title role performance in the 2008 film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.\n\nFollowing a high-profile relationship with actress Gwyneth Paltrow, Pitt was married to actress Jennifer Aniston for five years. Pitt lives with actress Angelina Jolie in a relationship that has generated wide publicity. He and Jolie have six children\u2014Maddox, Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, Knox, and Vivienne. Since beginning his relationship with Jolie, he has become increasingly involved in social issues both in the United States and internationally. Pitt owns a production company named Plan B Entertainment, whose productions include the 2007 Academy Award winning Best Picture, The Departed.\n\nDescription above from the Wikipedia article Brad Pitt, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.',
 u'birthday': u'1963-12-18',
 u'deathday': u'',
 u'homepage': u'',
 u'id': 287,
 u'name': u'Brad Pitt',
 u'place_of_birth': u'Shawnee, Oklahoma, United States',
 u'profile_path': u'/w8zJQuN7tzlm6FY9mfGKihxp3Cb.jpg'}
person_changes(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –


  • start_date (str) – YYYY-MM-DD
  • end_date (str) – YYYY-MM-DD
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.person_changes(<parameters>)
{u'changes': [{u'items': [{u'action': u'created',
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                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 17:20:19 UTC'}],
               u'key': u'general'},
              {u'items': [{u'action': u'added',
                           u'id': u'50745cd3760ee35edd0001a5',
                           u'time': u'2012-10-09 17:20:19 UTC',
                           u'value': u'Brad Pitt'}],
               u'key': u'name'}]}
person_combined_credits(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –


  • append_to_response (str) – Comma separated, any person method
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.person_combined_credits(<parameters>)
{u'cast': [{u'adult': False,
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           {u'adult': False,
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           {u'adult': False,
            u'character': u'Rusty Ryan',
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           {u'adult': False,
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           {u'adult': False,
            u'character': u'Himself',
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           {u'adult': False,
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           {u'adult': False,
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            u'id': 113833,
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            u'release_date': u'2014-01-01',
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           {u'adult': False,
            u'department': u'Production',
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            u'release_date': u'',
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           {u'adult': False,
            u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 76203,
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            u'release_date': u'2013-10-18',
            u'title': u'Twelve Years a Slave'},
           {u'adult': False,
            u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 218277,
            u'job': u'Executive Producer',
            u'media_type': u'movie',
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            u'release_date': u'2008-06-01',
            u'title': u'Pretty/Handsome'},
           {u'adult': False,
            u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 72190,
            u'job': u'Producer',
            u'media_type': u'movie',
            u'original_title': u'World War Z',
            u'poster_path': u'/gAt1PrsrFY1nX6UzebeiHP8njE9.jpg',
            u'release_date': u'2013-06-21',
            u'title': u'World War Z'},
           {u'adult': False,
            u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 1422,
            u'job': u'Producer',
            u'media_type': u'movie',
            u'original_title': u'The Departed',
            u'poster_path': u'/tGLO9zw5ZtCeyyEWgbYGgsFxC6i.jpg',
            u'release_date': u'2006-10-05',
            u'title': u'The Departed'},
           {u'adult': False,
            u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 38167,
            u'job': u'Executive Producer',
            u'media_type': u'movie',
            u'original_title': u'Eat Pray Love',
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 u'id': 287}
person_external_ids(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.person_external_ids(<parameters>)
{u'freebase_id': u'/en/brad_pitt',
 u'freebase_mid': u'/m/0c6qh',
 u'id': 287,
 u'imdb_id': u'nm0000093',
 u'tvrage_id': 59436}
person_images(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.person_images(<parameters>)
{u'id': 287,
 u'profiles': [{u'aspect_ratio': 0.66,
                u'file_path': u'/w8zJQuN7tzlm6FY9mfGKihxp3Cb.jpg',
                u'height': 1969,
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               {u'aspect_ratio': 0.67,
                u'file_path': u'/cLUacutO7dOMksQK8Zg0q2Gybsx.jpg',
                u'height': 1230,
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               {u'aspect_ratio': 0.71,
                u'file_path': u'/zEbgoayf0MfuSznehhXdaP2YkeH.jpg',
                u'height': 983,
                u'iso_639_1': None,
                u'width': 700}]}
person_latest(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.

>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.person_latest(<parameters>)
{u'adult': False,
 u'also_known_as': [],
 u'biography': None,
 u'birthday': None,
 u'deathday': None,
 u'homepage': None,
 u'id': 1108200,
 u'name': u'Ted Koland',
 u'place_of_birth': None,
 u'profile_path': None}
person_movie_credits(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –


  • append_to_response (str) – Comma separated, any person method
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.person_movie_credits(<parameters>)
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 u'crew': [{u'adult': False,
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            u'id': 652,
            u'job': u'Other',
            u'original_title': u'Troy',
            u'poster_path': u'/edMlij7nw2NMla32xskDnzMCFBM.jpg',
            u'release_date': u'2004-05-13',
            u'title': u'Troy'},
           {u'adult': False,
            u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 1988,
            u'job': u'Producer',
            u'original_title': u'A Mighty Heart',
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            u'release_date': u'2007-05-21',
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           {u'adult': False,
            u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 7510,
            u'job': u'Producer',
            u'original_title': u'Running with Scissors',
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            u'release_date': u'2006-10-27',
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           {u'adult': False,
            u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 23483,
            u'job': u'Producer',
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            u'release_date': u'2010-04-16',
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           {u'adult': False,
            u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 4512,
            u'job': u'Producer',
            u'original_title': u'The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford',
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            u'release_date': u'2007-09-20',
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           {u'adult': False,
            u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 113833,
            u'job': u'Producer',
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            u'poster_path': None,
            u'release_date': u'2014-01-01',
            u'title': u'The Normal Heart'},
           {u'adult': False,
            u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 64689,
            u'job': u'Producer',
            u'original_title': u'Killing Them Softly',
            u'poster_path': u'/pIS0JWCYJYesGNAd6gWbtSwzgsF.jpg',
            u'release_date': u'2012-11-30',
            u'title': u'Killing Them Softly'},
           {u'adult': False,
            u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 174349,
            u'job': u'Executive Producer',
            u'original_title': u'Big Men',
            u'poster_path': None,
            u'release_date': u'',
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           {u'adult': False,
            u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 76203,
            u'job': u'Producer',
            u'original_title': u'Twelve Years a Slave',
            u'poster_path': u'/xosImeLYPS0Q1I2OOKXh1pjmnGQ.jpg',
            u'release_date': u'2013-10-18',
            u'title': u'Twelve Years a Slave'},
           {u'adult': False,
            u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 218277,
            u'job': u'Executive Producer',
            u'original_title': u'Pretty/Handsome',
            u'poster_path': u'/hiASAaSle8sjUZ9BHs4XrA30shS.jpg',
            u'release_date': u'2008-06-01',
            u'title': u'Pretty/Handsome'},
           {u'adult': False,
            u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 72190,
            u'job': u'Producer',
            u'original_title': u'World War Z',
            u'poster_path': u'/gAt1PrsrFY1nX6UzebeiHP8njE9.jpg',
            u'release_date': u'2013-06-21',
            u'title': u'World War Z'},
           {u'adult': False,
            u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 1422,
            u'job': u'Producer',
            u'original_title': u'The Departed',
            u'poster_path': u'/tGLO9zw5ZtCeyyEWgbYGgsFxC6i.jpg',
            u'release_date': u'2006-10-05',
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           {u'adult': False,
            u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 38167,
            u'job': u'Executive Producer',
            u'original_title': u'Eat Pray Love',
            u'poster_path': u'/s57E4AfPIU1fxwpGGRahk6A0DUl.jpg',
            u'release_date': u'2010-08-12',
            u'title': u'Eat Pray Love'}],
 u'id': 287}

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:page (int) – Minimum 1, maximum 1000.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.person_popular(<parameters>)
{u'page': 1,
 u'results': [{u'adult': False,
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               u'name': u'Moira Kelly',
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               u'id': 17282,
               u'name': u'Takashi Miike',
               u'profile_path': u'/sAuA3MamBI87lB9rirbdqgcuOu0.jpg'},
              {u'adult': False,
               u'id': 62,
               u'name': u'Bruce Willis',
               u'profile_path': u'/szRtf6oUR9cT6whTbRc5sCQGi8a.jpg'},
              {u'adult': False,
               u'id': 9340,
               u'name': u'Lana Wachowski',
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              {u'adult': False,
               u'id': 31,
               u'name': u'Tom Hanks',
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              {u'adult': False,
               u'id': 28846,
               u'name': u'Alexander Skarsg\xe5rd',
               u'profile_path': u'/6UlvGpmOVYYzWIGsC558bUYPm0U.jpg'},
              {u'adult': False,
               u'id': 287,
               u'name': u'Brad Pitt',
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              {u'adult': False,
               u'id': 11108,
               u'name': u'Simon Pegg',
               u'profile_path': u'/sxfrOKHpm0WV72rFqGmLkzavkJS.jpg'},
              {u'adult': False,
               u'id': 45982,
               u'name': u'Alberto Sordi',
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              {u'adult': False,
               u'id': 1146550,
               u'name': u'Andreea Valean',
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              {u'adult': False,
               u'id': 1123441,
               u'name': u'Lynn Redgrave',
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              {u'adult': False,
               u'id': 1132416,
               u'name': u'Richard Dreyfuss',
               u'profile_path': None},
              {u'adult': False,
               u'id': 11090,
               u'name': u'Edgar Wright',
               u'profile_path': u'/usP3f3DB3BgNgwlvBd5nQNXUCQv.jpg'},
              {u'adult': False,
               u'id': 114463,
               u'name': u'Michelle Jenner',
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              {u'adult': False,
               u'id': 1149851,
               u'name': u'Maurizio Forestieri',
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              {u'adult': False,
               u'id': 24829,
               u'name': u'Jean-Guy Fechner',
               u'profile_path': u'/kWwHjF14w30SMuC8V4W2GofIMvE.jpg'},
              {u'adult': False,
               u'id': 524,
               u'name': u'Natalie Portman',
               u'profile_path': u'/d30Z0EKHJcDMYaJfLr2X6rVoUrI.jpg'},
              {u'adult': False,
               u'id': 14999,
               u'name': u'George A. Romero',
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              {u'adult': False,
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 u'total_pages': 13,
 u'total_results': 243}
person_tv_credits(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –


  • append_to_response (str) – Comma separated, any person method
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.person_tv_credits(<parameters>)
{u'cast': [{u'character': u'',
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           {u'character': u'',
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            u'episode_count': 2,
            u'first_air_date': u'2000-04-12',
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            u'name': u'Jackass',
            u'original_name': u'Jackass',
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           {u'character': u'',
            u'credit_id': u'52572b4e760ee3776a2d9c26',
            u'episode_count': 1,
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            u'episode_count': 1,
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            u'name': u'Pet Star',
            u'original_name': u'Pet Star',
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            u'episode_count': 0,
            u'first_air_date': None,
            u'id': 5741,
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            u'original_name': u'Freedom: A History of Us',
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            u'episode_count': 0,
            u'first_air_date': None,
            u'id': 5741,
            u'name': u'Freedom: A History of Us',
            u'original_name': u'Freedom: A History of Us',
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            u'episode_count': 0,
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            u'name': u'Freedom: A History of Us',
            u'original_name': u'Freedom: A History of Us',
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           {u'character': u'George Hewes',
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            u'episode_count': 0,
            u'first_air_date': None,
            u'id': 5741,
            u'name': u'Freedom: A History of Us',
            u'original_name': u'Freedom: A History of Us',
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            u'episode_count': 0,
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            u'id': 5741,
            u'name': u'Freedom: A History of Us',
            u'original_name': u'Freedom: A History of Us',
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           {u'character': u'',
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            u'episode_count': 1,
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            u'original_name': u'Friends',
            u'poster_path': u'/oQR7HXiCWpWvmUN1wo3asxrkAeZ.jpg'},
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            u'episode_count': 1,
            u'first_air_date': u'1952-01-14',
            u'id': 1709,
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            u'original_name': u'The Today Show',
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           {u'character': u'',
            u'credit_id': u'52572302760ee3776a22dc59',
            u'episode_count': 1,
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            u'id': 2122,
            u'name': u'King of the Hill',
            u'original_name': u'King of the Hill',
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           {u'character': u'',
            u'credit_id': u'525734f6760ee3776a3977e7',
            u'episode_count': 1,
            u'first_air_date': u'1989-06-10',
            u'id': 2391,
            u'name': u'Tales from the Crypt',
            u'original_name': u'Tales from the Crypt',
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           {u'character': u'',
            u'credit_id': u'52573d96760ee36aaa047b7e',
            u'episode_count': 1,
            u'first_air_date': u'1986-09-17',
            u'id': 2589,
            u'name': u'Head of the Class',
            u'original_name': u'Head of the Class',
            u'poster_path': u'/Dyy3E7SqkeuYpiQET2rIwsGPxZ.jpg'},
           {u'character': u'',
            u'credit_id': u'525753c6760ee36aaa1f53c7',
            u'episode_count': 1,
            u'first_air_date': u'2002-06-11',
            u'id': 3626,
            u'name': u'American Idol',
            u'original_name': u'American Idol',
            u'poster_path': u'/2aqueDlNwOWrszV0hKsxVk5yOgK.jpg'},
           {u'character': u'',
            u'credit_id': u'525764f9760ee36aaa357d18',
            u'episode_count': 1,
            u'first_air_date': u'1988-10-08',
            u'id': 4346,
            u'name': u"Freddy's Nightmares",
            u'original_name': u"Freddy's Nightmares",
            u'poster_path': u'/sMYfjEjK6rEF6FeiGum6g67Wor6.jpg'},
           {u'character': u'',
            u'credit_id': u'5258094919c29531db3e2f4a',
            u'episode_count': 6,
            u'first_air_date': u'2003-06-04',
            u'id': 10946,
            u'name': u'Celebrities Uncensored',
            u'original_name': u'Celebrities Uncensored',
            u'poster_path': None},
           {u'character': u'',
            u'credit_id': u'5258833a760ee346614043a6',
            u'episode_count': 3,
            u'first_air_date': u'1929-05-16',
            u'id': 27023,
            u'name': u'The Academy Awards',
            u'original_name': u'The Academy Awards',
            u'poster_path': u'/oQJeREgBeF1Afz9DABo5ymwu63Y.jpg'}],
 u'crew': [],
 u'id': 287}
classmethod register(name, schema_cls, docs=u'')

Creates a method on the API class with name name.

  • name – name of the method, will overwrite if already exists
  • schema_cls – class as returned by class_from_schema.
review(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
{u'author': u'Chris',
 u'content': u"I personally thought this film is on par if not better than the Dark Knight.\r\n\r\nWhilst some think the film is too long for the story I didn't find this. The length of the film is longer than some (but doesn't feel it), I liked that the film took it's time rather than shoving more elements in it - I think this contributed to the dramatic ending (much like a classical piece of music will be relaxed and calm before the final crescendo).\r\n\r\nAt the end of the day whether you like this film will boil down to if you like films Christopher Nolan has directed and/or you like the Christopher Nolan Batman series so far.\r\n\r\nStupendously good film in my opinion.",
 u'id': u'5013bc76760ee372cb00253e',
 u'iso_639_1': u'en',
 u'media_id': 49026,
 u'media_title': u'The Dark Knight Rises',
 u'media_type': u'Movie',
 u'url': u''}
search_collection(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:query (str) – CGI escaped string


  • page (int) – Minimum 1, maximum 1000.
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.search_collection(<parameters>)
{u'page': 1,
 u'results': [{u'backdrop_path': u'/zuW6fOiusv4X9nnW3paHGfXcSll.jpg',
               u'id': 86311,
               u'name': u'The Avengers Collection',
               u'poster_path': u'/fMSxlk2zPpcXBn4R3TK3uqYjOpa.jpg'},
              {u'backdrop_path': None,
               u'id': 138966,
               u'name': u'The Toxic Avenger Series',
               u'poster_path': None},
              {u'backdrop_path': None,
               u'id': 32135,
               u'name': u'The Toxic Avenger Collection',
               u'poster_path': None},
              {u'backdrop_path': u'/zE4wyiYkgqu7qsNXlsjckWfimYo.jpg',
               u'id': 14706,
               u'name': u'Ultimate Avengers Collection',
               u'poster_path': u'/s77dIqIExEslhZevh5ek3NvMg80.jpg'},
              {u'backdrop_path': None,
               u'id': 142748,
               u'name': u'The Avengers Collection: Phase 1',
               u'poster_path': None}],
 u'total_pages': 1,
 u'total_results': 5}
search_company(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:query (str) – CGI escaped string


Parameters:page (int) – Minimum 1, maximum 1000.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.search_company(<parameters>)
{u'page': 1,
 u'results': [{u'id': 34,
               u'logo_path': u'/56VlAu08MIE926dQNfBcUwTY8np.png',
               u'name': u'Sony Pictures'},
              {u'id': 2251,
               u'logo_path': None,
               u'name': u'Sony Pictures Animation'},
              {u'id': 58,
               u'logo_path': None,
               u'name': u'Sony Pictures Classics'},
              {u'id': 5752,
               u'logo_path': None,
               u'name': u'Sony Pictures Entertainment'},
              {u'id': 7431,
               u'logo_path': None,
               u'name': u'Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE)'},
              {u'id': 5388,
               u'logo_path': None,
               u'name': u'Sony Pictures Home Entertainment'},
              {u'id': 3045,
               u'logo_path': None,
               u'name': u'Sony Pictures Releasing'},
              {u'id': 8285,
               u'logo_path': None,
               u'name': u'Sony Pictures Studio'}],
 u'total_pages': 1,
 u'total_results': 8}
search_keyword(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:query (str) – CGI escaped string


Parameters:page (int) – Minimum 1, maximum 1000.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.search_keyword(<parameters>)
{u'page': 1,
 u'results': [{u'id': 1721, u'name': u'fight'},
              {u'id': 6211, u'name': u'fighter'},
              {u'id': 9878, u'name': u'fighter jet'},
              {u'id': 2533, u'name': u'fighter pilot'},
              {u'id': 12985, u'name': u'fighter jet the man'}],
 u'total_pages': 1,
 u'total_results': 5}
search_list(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:query (str) – CGI escaped string


  • include_adult (str) – Toggle the inclusion of adult lists.
  • page (int) – Minimum 1, maximum 1000.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.search_list(<parameters>)
{u'page': 1,
 u'results': [{u'description': u'A list of the films that were nominated at the 2012 Oscars for best picture.',
               u'favorite_count': 1,
               u'id': u'50941340760ee35da9000053',
               u'iso_639_1': u'en',
               u'item_count': 9,
               u'list_type': u'movie',
               u'name': u'84th Academy Awards (2012) - Best Picture Nominations',
               u'poster_path': u'/zRqBleU93WncYnIwt8LAanQerZ7.jpg'},
              {u'description': u'A list of the films that were nominated at the 2011 Oscars for best picture.',
               u'favorite_count': 1,
               u'id': u'509431ad19c2950b01000003',
               u'iso_639_1': u'en',
               u'item_count': 10,
               u'list_type': u'movie',
               u'name': u'83rd Academy Awards (2011) - Best Picture Nominations',
               u'poster_path': u'/iAHDZPyLD3NW7GuNV6U1TVtb0hN.jpg'},
              {u'description': u'A list of the films that were nominated at the 2010 Oscars for best picture.',
               u'favorite_count': 2,
               u'id': u'50956fd2760ee3698a001fb0',
               u'iso_639_1': u'en',
               u'item_count': 10,
               u'list_type': u'movie',
               u'name': u'82nd Academy Awards (2010) - Best Picture Nominations',
               u'poster_path': u'/8iwe0iP49A6Gqcv31jBleZDZqI4.jpg'},
              {u'description': u'A list of the films that were nominated at the 2009 Oscars for best picture.',
               u'favorite_count': 2,
               u'id': u'50957064760ee3698a001fc0',
               u'iso_639_1': u'en',
               u'item_count': 5,
               u'list_type': u'movie',
               u'name': u'81st Academy Awards (2009) - Best Picture Nominations',
               u'poster_path': u'/gShtwIvdSHgCEQRZfymNkEUEwFm.jpg'},
              {u'description': u'A list of the films that were nominated at the 2008 Oscars for best picture.',
               u'favorite_count': 1,
               u'id': u'509ec007760ee36f0c000916',
               u'iso_639_1': u'en',
               u'item_count': 5,
               u'list_type': u'movie',
               u'name': u'80th Academy Awards (2008) - Best Picture Nominations',
               u'poster_path': u'/nWwFabqFaBbukXdkUCmtnrFxPNh.jpg'},
              {u'description': u"Here's my list of best picture winners for the Oscars. Thought it would be neat to see them all together. There's a lot of movies here I have never even heard of.",
               u'favorite_count': 1,
               u'id': u'509ec17b19c2950a0600050d',
               u'iso_639_1': u'en',
               u'item_count': 84,
               u'list_type': u'movie',
               u'name': u'Best Picture Winners - The Academy Awards',
               u'poster_path': u'/efBm2Nm2v5kQnO0w3hYcW6hVsJU.jpg'}],
 u'total_pages': 1,
 u'total_results': 6}
search_movie(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:query (str) – CGI escaped string


  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
  • primary_release_year (str) – Filter the results so that only the primary release dates have this value.
  • include_adult (str) – Toggle the inclusion of adult titles. Expected value is: true or false
  • search_type (str) – By default, the search type is ‘phrase’. This is almost guaranteed the option you will want. It’s a great all purpose search type and by far the most tuned for every day querying. For those wanting more of an “autocomplete” type search, set this option to ‘ngram’.
  • year (str) – Filter the results release dates to matches that include this value.
  • page (int) – Minimum 1, maximum 1000.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.search_movie(<parameters>)
{u'page': 1,
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               u'title': u'Florence Fight Club',
               u'vote_average': 0.0,
               u'vote_count': 0},
              {u'adult': False,
               u'backdrop_path': None,
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               u'popularity': 0.06,
               u'poster_path': None,
               u'release_date': None,
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 u'total_results': 5}
search_person(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:query (str) – CGI escaped string


  • search_type (str) – By default, the search type is ‘phrase’. This is almost guaranteed the option you will want. It’s a great all purpose search type and by far the most tuned for every day querying. For those wanting more of an “autocomplete” type search, set this option to ‘ngram’.
  • include_adult (str) – Toggle the inclusion of adult titles. Expected value is: true or false
  • page (int) – Minimum 1, maximum 1000.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.search_person(<parameters>)
{u'page': 1,
 u'results': [{u'adult': False,
               u'id': 287,
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 u'total_pages': 1,
 u'total_results': 1}
search_tv(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:query (str) – CGI escaped string


  • search_type (str) – By default, the search type is ‘phrase’. This is almost guaranteed the option you will want. It’s a great all purpose search type and by far the most tuned for every day querying. For those wanting more of an “autocomplete” type search, set this option to ‘ngram’.
  • page (int) – Minimum 1, maximum 1000.
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
  • first_air_date_year (str) – Filter the results to only match shows that have a air date with with value.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.search_tv(<parameters>)
{u'page': 1,
 u'results': [{u'backdrop_path': u'/dRaV8HGx7Z9xmw77qSs8prp5OuI.jpg',
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 u'total_pages': 1,
 u'total_results': 1}
tv(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –


  • append_to_response (str) – Comma separated, any tv series method
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
{u'backdrop_path': u'/dRaV8HGx7Z9xmw77qSs8prp5OuI.jpg',
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 u'episode_run_time': [45, 47],
 u'first_air_date': u'2008-01-20',
 u'genres': [{u'id': 18, u'name': u'Drama'}],
 u'homepage': u'',
 u'id': 1396,
 u'in_production': False,
 u'languages': [u'en'],
 u'last_air_date': u'2013-09-29',
 u'name': u'Breaking Bad',
 u'networks': [{u'id': 174, u'name': u'AMC'}],
 u'number_of_episodes': 62,
 u'number_of_seasons': 5,
 u'origin_country': [u'US'],
 u'original_name': u'Breaking Bad',
 u'overview': u"Breaking Bad is an American crime drama television series created and produced by Vince Gilligan. Set and produced in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Breaking Bad is the story of Walter White, a struggling high school chemistry teacher who is diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer at the beginning of the series. He turns to a life of crime, producing and selling methamphetamine, in order to secure his family's financial future before he dies, teaming with his former student, Jesse Pinkman. Heavily serialized, the series is known for positioning its characters in seemingly inextricable corners and has been labeled a contemporary western by its creator.",
 u'popularity': 12.4586534614178,
 u'poster_path': u'/iRDNn9EHKuBhGa77UBteazvsZa1.jpg',
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 u'status': u'Ended',
 u'vote_average': 8.6875,
 u'vote_count': 8}
tv_credits(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –


  • append_to_response (str) – Comma separated, any collection method
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.tv_credits(<parameters>)
{u'cast': [{u'character': u'Walter White',
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            u'order': 1,
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           {u'character': u'Jesse Pinkman',
            u'credit_id': u'52542282760ee31328001845',
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           {u'character': u'Saul Goodman',
            u'credit_id': u'5271b180760ee35afc09bb8d',
            u'id': 59410,
            u'name': u'Bob Odenkirk',
            u'order': 11,
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 u'crew': [{u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 29779,
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            u'profile_path': None},
           {u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 5162,
            u'job': u'Executive Producer',
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           {u'department': u'Production',
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            u'job': u'Executive Producer',
            u'name': u'Vince Gilligan',
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 u'id': 1396}
tv_external_ids(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –


Parameters:language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.tv_external_ids(<parameters>)
{u'freebase_id': u'/en/breaking_bad',
 u'freebase_mid': u'/m/03d34x8',
 u'id': 1396,
 u'imdb_id': u'tt0903747',
 u'tvdb_id': 81189,
 u'tvrage_id': 18164}
tv_images(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –


  • include_image_language (str) – Comma separated, a valid ISO 69-1.
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.tv_images(<parameters>)
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tv_on_the_air(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


  • page (int) – Minimum 1, maximum 1000.
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
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For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


  • page (int) – Minimum 1, maximum 1000.
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
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tv_season(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


  • season_number (int) –
  • id (int) –


  • append_to_response (str) – Comma separated, any tv season method
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.tv_season(<parameters>)
{u'air_date': u'2008-01-20',
 u'episodes': [{u'air_date': u'2008-01-20',
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                u'name': u'Pilot',
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                u'name': u'A No-Rough-Stuff Type Deal',
                u'overview': u"Walter accepts his new identity as a drug dealer after a PTA meeting. Elsewhere, Jesse decides to put his aunt's house on the market and Skyler is the recipient of a baby shower.",
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 u'id': 3572,
 u'name': u'Season 1',
 u'overview': u"The first season of the American television drama series Breaking Bad premiered on January 20, 2008 and concluded on March 9, 2008. It consisted of seven episodes, each running approximately 47 minutes in length, except the pilot episode which runs approximately 57 minutes. AMC broadcast the first season on Sundays at 10:00 pm in the United States. Season one was to consist of nine episodes, which was reduced to seven by the writer's strike. The complete first season was released on Region 1 DVD on February 24, 2009 and Region A Blu-ray on March 16, 2010.",
 u'poster_path': u'/l5s5lfqpdP4uigrZtu5Sg8hfWqG.jpg',
 u'season_number': 1}
tv_season_credits(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


  • season_number (int) –
  • id (int) –
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.tv_season_credits(<parameters>)
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            u'name': u'Bryan Cranston',
            u'profile_path': u'/vr3YaG9ehqQY82fsxOFZvlqncX7.jpg'},
           {u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 1223198,
            u'job': u'Producer',
            u'name': u'Moira Walley-Beckett',
            u'profile_path': None},
           {u'department': u'Writing',
            u'id': 24951,
            u'job': u'Writer',
            u'name': u'Peter Gould',
            u'profile_path': None},
           {u'department': u'Writing',
            u'id': 1223198,
            u'job': u'Writer',
            u'name': u'Moira Walley-Beckett',
            u'profile_path': None},
           {u'department': u'Writing',
            u'id': 103009,
            u'job': u'Writer',
            u'name': u'Thomas Schnauz',
            u'profile_path': None},
           {u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 1218856,
            u'job': u'Producer',
            u'name': u'Patty Lin',
            u'profile_path': None},
           {u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 29924,
            u'job': u'Producer',
            u'name': u'John Shiban',
            u'profile_path': None},
           {u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 1223199,
            u'job': u'Producer',
            u'name': u'Melissa Bernstein',
            u'profile_path': None},
           {u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 1223201,
            u'job': u'Producer',
            u'name': u'Karen Moore',
            u'profile_path': None},
           {u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 24951,
            u'job': u'Producer',
            u'name': u'Peter Gould',
            u'profile_path': None},
           {u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 1223193,
            u'job': u'Producer',
            u'name': u'George Mastras',
            u'profile_path': None},
           {u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 103009,
            u'job': u'Producer',
            u'name': u'Thomas Schnauz',
            u'profile_path': None},
           {u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 1223200,
            u'job': u'Producer',
            u'name': u'Stewart Lyons',
            u'profile_path': None},
           {u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 1223194,
            u'job': u'Producer',
            u'name': u'Sam Catlin',
            u'profile_path': None},
           {u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 66633,
            u'job': u'Executive Producer',
            u'name': u'Vince Gilligan',
            u'profile_path': u'/wSTvJGz7QbJf1HK2Mv1Cev6W9TV.jpg'},
           {u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 5162,
            u'job': u'Executive Producer',
            u'name': u'Mark Johnson',
            u'profile_path': u'/yKGF6cbzyP03Gl1QhVLCu1gWSW6.jpg'},
           {u'department': u'Production',
            u'id': 29779,
            u'job': u'Executive Producer',
            u'name': u'Michelle MacLaren',
            u'profile_path': None}],
 u'id': 3572}
tv_season_episode(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


  • episode_number (int) –
  • season_number (int) –
  • id (int) –


  • append_to_response (str) – Comma separated, any tv series method
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.tv_season_episode(<parameters>)
{u'air_date': u'2008-01-20',
 u'episode_number': 1,
 u'id': 62085,
 u'name': u'Pilot',
 u'overview': u'When an unassuming high school chemistry teacher discovers he has a rare form of lung cancer, he decides to team up with a former student and create a top of the line crystal meth in a used RV, to provide for his family once he is gone.',
 u'production_code': None,
 u'season_number': 1,
 u'still_path': u'/2IksiG9RPQ4lxYxgiKEhns0N4Zx.jpg',
 u'vote_average': 0.0,
 u'vote_count': 0}
tv_season_episode_credits(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


  • episode_number (int) –
  • season_number (int) –
  • id (int) –
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.tv_season_episode_credits(<parameters>)
{u'cast': [{u'character': u'Walter White',
            u'credit_id': u'52542282760ee313280017f9',
            u'id': 17419,
            u'name': u'Bryan Cranston',
            u'order': 0,
            u'profile_path': u'/vr3YaG9ehqQY82fsxOFZvlqncX7.jpg'},
           {u'character': u'Skyler White',
            u'credit_id': u'52542282760ee3132800181b',
            u'id': 134531,
            u'name': u'Anna Gunn',
            u'order': 1,
            u'profile_path': u'/lKlGjfmu9mJcF4upNrhtG3X9uyq.jpg'},
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            u'credit_id': u'52542282760ee31328001845',
            u'id': 84497,
            u'name': u'Aaron Paul',
            u'order': 2,
            u'profile_path': u'/oTceEUb6A9Bg6DeUTJBTETUOEAy.jpg'},
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            u'credit_id': u'52542283760ee3132800187b',
            u'id': 14329,
            u'name': u'Dean Norris',
            u'order': 3,
            u'profile_path': u'/500eNhWneDTXQuEXg6BR269IjHr.jpg'},
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            u'credit_id': u'52542283760ee31328001891',
            u'id': 1217934,
            u'name': u'Betsy Brandt',
            u'order': 4,
            u'profile_path': u'/zpmsca1HCVqYrtWXV9xdmsECDTI.jpg'},
           {u'character': u'Walter White Jr.',
            u'credit_id': u'52542284760ee313280018a9',
            u'id': 1223196,
            u'name': u'RJ Mitte',
            u'order': 5,
            u'profile_path': u'/hO5HJKM6p6SQjpdV8Fs64BJWzmT.jpg'}],
 u'crew': [{u'department': u'Writing',
            u'id': 66633,
            u'job': u'Writer',
            u'name': u'Vince Gilligan',
            u'profile_path': u'/wSTvJGz7QbJf1HK2Mv1Cev6W9TV.jpg'},
           {u'department': u'Directing',
            u'id': 66633,
            u'job': u'Director',
            u'name': u'Vince Gilligan',
            u'profile_path': u'/wSTvJGz7QbJf1HK2Mv1Cev6W9TV.jpg'}],
 u'guest_stars': [{u'character': u'Carmen Molina',
                   u'credit_id': u'52542273760ee31328000676',
                   u'id': 115688,
                   u'name': u'Carmen Serano',
                   u'order': 0,
                   u'profile_path': u'/gJOeg4jtRZR5xRBizYX2IibByVj.jpg'},
                  {u'character': u'Emilio Koyama',
                   u'credit_id': u'52542273760ee3132800068e',
                   u'id': 92495,
                   u'name': u'John Koyama',
                   u'order': 1,
                   u'profile_path': None},
                  {u'character': u"Chad's Girlfriend",
                   u'credit_id': u'52542275760ee313280006a2',
                   u'id': 1223192,
                   u'name': u'Roberta Marquez Seret',
                   u'order': 2,
                   u'profile_path': None},
                  {u'character': u'Jock',
                   u'credit_id': u'52542275760ee313280006b4',
                   u'id': 1216132,
                   u'name': u'Aaron Hill',
                   u'order': 3,
                   u'profile_path': u'/vTqz2FIutFJPG73j7gFDTWomTbb.jpg'},
                  {u'character': u'Krazy-8',
                   u'credit_id': u'52725845760ee3046b09426e',
                   u'id': 1046460,
                   u'name': u'Max Arciniega',
                   u'order': 31,
                   u'profile_path': u'/hRyw2cglnWU42vHZUag7b9dIf4u.jpg'},
                  {u'character': u'Bogdan Wolynetz',
                   u'credit_id': u'5272587a760ee3045009ddec',
                   u'id': 1223197,
                   u'name': u'Marius Stan',
                   u'order': 32,
                   u'profile_path': None},
                  {u'character': u'Dr. Belknap (as Greg Chase)',
                   u'credit_id': u'52725cb1760ee3044d0b9984',
                   u'id': 161591,
                   u'name': u'Gregory Chase',
                   u'order': 33,
                   u'profile_path': None},
                  {u'character': u'Steven Gomez',
                   u'credit_id': u'5271b489760ee35b3e0881a7',
                   u'id': 61535,
                   u'name': u'Steven Michael Quezada',
                   u'order': 34,
                   u'profile_path': None}],
 u'id': 62085}
tv_season_episode_external_ids(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


  • episode_number (int) –
  • season_number (int) –
  • id (int) –


Parameters:language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.tv_season_episode_external_ids(<parameters>)
{u'freebase_id': None,
 u'freebase_mid': u'/m/03mb620',
 u'id': 62085,
 u'imdb_id': u'tt0959621',
 u'tvdb_id': 349232,
 u'tvrage_id': 637041}
tv_season_episode_images(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


  • episode_number (int) –
  • season_number (int) –
  • id (int) –
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.tv_season_episode_images(<parameters>)
{u'id': 62085,
 u'stills': [{u'aspect_ratio': 1.48,
              u'file_path': u'/2IksiG9RPQ4lxYxgiKEhns0N4Zx.jpg',
              u'height': 271.0,
              u'iso_639_1': None,
              u'vote_average': 0.0,
              u'vote_count': 0,
              u'width': 400.0}]}
tv_season_external_ids(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


  • season_number (int) –
  • id (int) –


Parameters:language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.tv_season_external_ids(<parameters>)
{u'freebase_id': u'/en/breaking_bad_season_1',
 u'freebase_mid': u'/m/05yy27m',
 u'id': 3572,
 u'tvdb_id': 30272,
 u'tvrage_id': None}
tv_season_images(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


  • season_number (int) –
  • id (int) –


  • include_image_language (str) – Comma separated, a valid ISO 69-1.
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.tv_season_images(<parameters>)
{u'id': 3572,
 u'posters': [{u'aspect_ratio': 0.69,
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               u'height': 578.0,
               u'iso_639_1': None,
               u'vote_average': 0.0,
               u'vote_count': 0,
               u'width': 400.0},
              {u'aspect_ratio': 0.69,
               u'file_path': u'/wr0pPDfwn4gNQxjNWpkazhN13tZ.jpg',
               u'height': 578.0,
               u'iso_639_1': None,
               u'vote_average': 0.0,
               u'vote_count': 0,
               u'width': 400.0},
              {u'aspect_ratio': 0.69,
               u'file_path': u'/zPrE7NvhW6kk9acm8yXjdgDcXZJ.jpg',
               u'height': 578.0,
               u'iso_639_1': None,
               u'vote_average': 0.0,
               u'vote_count': 0,
               u'width': 400.0},
              {u'aspect_ratio': 0.69,
               u'file_path': u'/8yHDd0EVpNpWk1VBa9QP4iUmw0v.jpg',
               u'height': 578.0,
               u'iso_639_1': None,
               u'vote_average': 0.0,
               u'vote_count': 0,
               u'width': 400.0},
              {u'aspect_ratio': 0.69,
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               u'height': 578.0,
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               u'vote_average': 0.0,
               u'vote_count': 0,
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              {u'aspect_ratio': 0.69,
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               u'height': 578.0,
               u'iso_639_1': None,
               u'vote_average': 0.0,
               u'vote_count': 0,
               u'width': 400.0},
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               u'height': 578.0,
               u'iso_639_1': None,
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              {u'aspect_ratio': 0.69,
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              {u'aspect_ratio': 0.69,
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               u'height': 578.0,
               u'iso_639_1': None,
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               u'width': 400.0},
              {u'aspect_ratio': 0.69,
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               u'height': 578.0,
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               u'vote_average': 0.0,
               u'vote_count': 0,
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              {u'aspect_ratio': 0.69,
               u'file_path': u'/oW0G4MKWcyNaRGckZf8WRFyO5cH.jpg',
               u'height': 578.0,
               u'iso_639_1': None,
               u'vote_average': 0.0,
               u'vote_count': 0,
               u'width': 400.0},
              {u'aspect_ratio': 0.69,
               u'file_path': u'/tkZ9bXm9iFNEdZmblSl8rxgpstT.jpg',
               u'height': 578.0,
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               u'vote_count': 0,
               u'width': 400.0},
              {u'aspect_ratio': 0.69,
               u'file_path': u'/l5s5lfqpdP4uigrZtu5Sg8hfWqG.jpg',
               u'height': 578.0,
               u'iso_639_1': u'en',
               u'vote_average': 0.0,
               u'vote_count': 0,
               u'width': 400.0},
              {u'aspect_ratio': 0.69,
               u'file_path': u'/2lhO5zd1nnf7PjC7dGCUo45Volz.jpg',
               u'height': 578.0,
               u'iso_639_1': u'en',
               u'vote_average': 0.0,
               u'vote_count': 0,
               u'width': 400.0}]}
tv_top_rated(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


  • page (int) – Minimum 1, maximum 1000.
  • language (str) – ISO 639-1 code.
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.tv_top_rated(<parameters>)
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               u'first_air_date': u'2013-04-04',
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               u'popularity': 0.84,
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               u'first_air_date': u'1994-09-22',
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tv_translations(api, *positional, **params)

For more information on return value see official API docs

For information about possible exceptions see tmdb.errors documentation.


Parameters:id (int) –
>>> api = tmdb.API(api_key)
>>> api.tv_translations(<parameters>)
{u'id': 1396,
 u'translations': [{u'english_name': u'English',
                    u'iso_639_1': u'en',
                    u'name': u'English'},
                   {u'english_name': u'Dutch',
                    u'iso_639_1': u'nl',
                    u'name': u'Nederlands'},
                   {u'english_name': u'Turkish',
                    u'iso_639_1': u'tr',
                    u'name': u'T\xfcrk\xe7e'},
                   {u'english_name': u'Slovak',
                    u'iso_639_1': u'sk',
                    u'name': u'Sloven\u0161\u010dina'},
                   {u'english_name': u'German',
                    u'iso_639_1': u'de',
                    u'name': u'Deutsch'},
                   {u'english_name': u'Russian',
                    u'iso_639_1': u'ru',
                    u'name': u'P\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0438\u0439'},
                   {u'english_name': u'French',
                    u'iso_639_1': u'fr',
                    u'name': u'Fran\xe7ais'},
                   {u'english_name': u'Hungarian',
                    u'iso_639_1': u'hu',
                    u'name': u'Magyar'},
                   {u'english_name': u'Mandarin',
                    u'iso_639_1': u'zh',
                    u'name': u'\u4e2d\u56fd'}]}